The Ten of Swords as a daily reflection card
The Let Go card. The Let Go of control….of the Ego.

The Page of Swords and Justice - a two card reading
Be ready to speak your truth with authority balanced with kindness and fairness

Be careful not to miss an opportunity
The four of cups shows a man refusing what is on offer

The Ace of Swords is one of the most activating cards in Tarot
Time to hold up your sword of truth and decide! Take action.

Taking a risk with tarot
The Knight of Swords decides to go for it! Even if it feels risky.

The Wheel of Fortune brings change…
The Wheel of Fortune can herald a new cycle, perhaps we are talking about Spring.

The Chariot
On reflection waving my hands about trying to act horses bashing into each other was perhaps not my most eloquent Instagram post yesterday. As pulling the Chariot card as our clarifying card to go with the stressy Nine of Swords wonderfully described what I and perhaps many of us are feeling. And also offered good advice.
The skill of the charioteer is in being able to steer his chariot in the right direction while holding the reigns of two wild horses and trying to win a race.
He has to keep his eye on both horses and the pace is fast and furious, his skill is in keeping them from going in the same direction, at the same pace, side by side, instead of taking him off course or worse turning over the chariot, his skill is dealing with all the adrenalin rush of race and still keep his chariot on track as he shoots for the stars. See the stars on the canopy above him.
It takes the brave and the strong.
I think the metaphor works well. It certainly feels like that some days as I start the day with this huge list of things to do and with all the drive and passion to head to my goals and accomplish as much as I can in the day and feel at the end of it that I’ve made good progress.
How many time do I look back at the day, and take a big sigh of satisfaction and say job well done.
Not often, if rarely.
I think the Chariot is trying to tell us, don’t beat yourself up, ‘shooting for the stars’ is what life is all about however it is a fast and furious ride and can be exhausting.
It occurred to me that perhaps the Chariot is also saying, don’t allow your ‘wild horses’ to crowd each other, and bash into each other. Keep them apart and perhaps that refers to all the different ‘stars’ I seek. Perhaps they should be under separate headings on my list of things to achieve. Say work, personal development/enjoyment/health, friends, everything else, and perhaps by separating them it would make me steer my chariot more easily. Still still a furious pace but that’s what charioteers do. They have the ability to approach life with a split beam and still keep on track.
Shooting for the Stars takes bravery courage stamina and skill!

Seeing the ‘negative’ in a tarot reading can be your breakthrough
The Tarot just gave me an ah ha moment and I feel suddenly renewed….

2025 is the Year of the Hermit
The Hermit is someone trusts himself and his sense of purpose. He has an inner confidence to follow his own path in life.

February forecast part 1.
Anyone else been feeling stressed and anxious and generally not quite themselves this week?

The journey of the suit of Pentacles
Pentacles represent our journey toward health and prosperity, the practical ways we navigate life.

The Journey of the Swords
My favourite sword card, the six of swords, a card of moving on from rough waters to smooth across the side of the bank you want to go!

Tuesday 7th January 2025 an interesting Reflection Reading
The Three of Swords suggests there may be delay in instant results on your new path for 2025 but not to be discouraged….

Choosing Love over Fear with the Two of Cups…
Choosing to connection to someone or something we love….

Being able to express our pure intentions in 2025
The Strength card is a powerful card of encouraging us to be true to our inner self and express ourselves coming from inner strength rather than. Ego.