February Forecast part 2….
The antidote to the nine of swords or rather ‘how to set your north star compass’ is the 10 of Wands.
Looking at this card doesn’t make me feel v cheerful about the advice of the ten of wands. A man is bent over with the weight of carrying 10 wands!
We will get there and achieve our goals……albeit weighed down by the burden of responsibility and probably heading to burn out. Put down the load, look around you and get some perspective.
While the 10 0f Wands says you will succeed, you will reach your goals, you will get there…the ten in Tarot signals completion and in wands (fire) our goals and desires.
But at what cost? It looks like an arduous journey. All that sense of responsibility, duty and endeavour an awful burden. This card typically describes taking on too much and no longer being able to see ‘the wood for the trees’.
The Antidote. Put the burden down. At least to take a moment and have a look around at life, look up into the sky, look up, there’s a whole world to experience and enjoy if we weren’t so focussed on what we want to achieve.
The trouble is when we are feeling nine of swords (present situation) we almost feel panicky worrying about how we can possibly achieve everything, worrying about what might go wrong……. we are too stressed by that list of things ‘to do’ to put it down?
The Ten of Swords asks us to consider what is so important that is worth making life a burden?
We need give ourselves a break.
Perhaps ask ourselves what is the most important thing I want to achieve in my life
Add to that
what do I want to achieve in February
add to that
What is the most important thing I want to be/feel/experience?
There is probably a gap. A BIG GAP between ….achieve success in all my goals (and work all the hours God has given me) and find enjoyment and satisfaction at the end of each day.
I think its a mistake to ignore the very real stress that seems to be quite universal at the moment and probably very contagious, and why so many of us are in fight or flight mode with all that adrenalin rushing about and taking over.
What happened to spending time with friends, laughing, appreciating beauty, having time for kindness, joy, relaxation? what happened is 9 of swords happened!
The Ten of Swords is clear, in order to set our north start compass for February we MUST find work/life balance. Ten Wands to carry is too much. We are trying to achieve too much. We need to prioritise. What is really important? And I know for me feeling satisfaction, joy, laughter, appreciation, beauty, friendship is where it’s at. And so the Ten of Wands is clear. Put the burden down now and reset.
The Two of Wands on the left speaks of the distractions we need to let go of.
Which is where the TWO of WANDS as what we need to let go of, comes into its own. The distractions, the ‘perhaps there’s something else out there’ to inspire….when we’ve already got our plate full with the ten of wands.
The message it clear, unless we drop some of the load, unless we prioritise, we’ll end up in burn out. And never get to the King of Pentacles = where we are heading = financial reward. This king understands the rules of our society, money, status and power, he also understands that consistent hard work brings us the good things of life to enjoy.
It might take quite a lot of discipline turning away from the two of wands, as am always getting distracted, there’s so much I want to do, and yet the 10 0f pentacles points to overload, something’s got to give if I want to set my North Star compass, and arrive at the King of Pentacles. Which is very much my end goal, building my business. The King of Pentacles works hard, in a practical and constructive way for the financial and societal rewards of the good things of life, which he wants to share with family and friends.
I think I”ll start by scheduling time in my diary for tennis, chatting to friends, walking in the park, listening to music… as well as working all the hours God gave. Good luck everyone.
Do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online. Perhaps we’ll start with a cup of tea and talk about the weather? just to take some time out …