February forecast part 1.
How to set our North Star Compass for the start of February 2025
In the nutshell this spread says currently 9 of swords we are all stressed out and discombobulated because there is so much going on in our minds we can’t get calm and centred to gain clarity.
The best course of action to unlock our potential ten of wands is to put down the load of all the things we want to achieve, be, have, it’s too much, and the reason we feel dissatisfied. Yes we can strive to achieve everything but at what cost to our well being.
What we have to let go of two of wands is looking at more choices! We’ve already got too many which is why we feel all over the place.
What supports us is the World. The World represents completion and at the root of this spread signifies, we are ‘enough’ just as we are. We are reminded that being ‘whole’ isn’t dependent on what job we have, what relationship, our status. We are already complete.
Where it’s leading the King of Pentacles. The king of Pentacles represents the kind of success and financial security that constructive practical hard work brings in order for us to enjoy the good things of life with those we love.
So bring it on.
When our thoughts get the better of us!
When we got the nine of swords as our present situation (central card of the spread). I so related! All week I’ve had this underlying feeling of stress and panic, not enough time, what should I do first, I feel all over the place. I can’t get centred. Except luckily when I am reading tarot. So in some way I’m so relieved to see the tarot describe the present situation with the 9 of swords.
Perhaps everyone has been feeling ‘out of sorts’?
Very often when I describe the image on this card, with a sleepless woman awake in the middle of the night, nine swords are behind her, describing how thoughts that stress us out from the past, regrets, doubts, anything our mind attaches iself to! The 9 of swords perfectly describes the nervous system in fight or flight mode, too much adrenalin is rushing around which makes us feel edgy, we can’t think clearly, its exhausting and so we’re not sleeping well either!
Everyone is talking about the very strong energy of the new moon on 29th Jan as well as the Chinese new year, which is often seen as an energy re set, I just know I am having to consciously calm myself down by going for a walk. I’m adding energy medicine exercises, like the Triple Warmer smoothie, or holding Neurovasculars to my daily routine. Email me sue@suebtarot.com if you’d like to know more about energy medicine. Or following Katie Brindle’s going to bed practice, whereby you tap all over your body to release stuck energy.
Donna Eden of Energy Medicine said something that is at the front of my journal for this year under the section headed ‘Cultivating Inner Peace’. She said ‘one of the greatest mistakes is trying to get out of stress is using your mind. You need to MOVE ENERGY.’
And in 9 of Swords mode, we are stuck in stress.
So we need to move. Get up from the desk, Stretch, take a walk, do some jumping jacks, smile, a big smile can really give you immediate release, even if it’s because you feel silly. Sing, dance, shake, move move move. Get out of your head and into your body.
The good news is this strong energy is taking us into an exciting year of change, so when they say ‘no pain no gain’ it makes sense we are affected by this strong energy which we can handle it if there’s going to be gain! See February forecast part 2.
Come and have a tarot reading with me, it will centre and calm you plus it’s always good to talk. You will leave feeling much clearer about the direction you are heading in and how to get there. With hopefully with questions answered.