2025 is the Year of the Hermit

The Hermit theme of the year is about us being able to withdraw from the craziness of the world around us and come back to ourselves. 

I love the fact that this Year of the Hermit we aren’t being told be careful of any dramas the world might deliver, or work hard and be successful, or focus on your relationships, or practice manifesting…..no all it says is return to yourself, therein you will find the insight you need to tread the path that is right for you this year.

And it seems such good advice to find time to disconnect from all the crazy demands of the outside world and and turn inward and learn what your truth is, what matters to you, what your instincts tell you, where your integrity lies, to the things that bring you purpose and happiness and be true to that. 

So our daily practice this year is to follow our own inner light and not be distracted and confused by all the exterior hustle and bustle, what’s going in news, social media, one more insta reel, our never ending ‘to do’ lists, …. And by tuning into ourselves we will start to trust our own answers that come from an inner light of truth. The Hermit doesn’t need to have the whole path lit up, he’s happy with enough good light shining on each step. See pic of card.

The Hermit knows himself, and thereby has the wisdom and integrity to follow the path that is right for him.

I’ve always been a fan of the Hermit and seen him as a bit of a leader, the kind of leader we want in our society. He’s not a loner, no, he’s the person who simply has the inner confidence to follow his own instincts. Who doesn’t follow the herd.  These kind of people always seem to have an inner contentment.  They dont try to convince others that their way is the best way. They hold their own wise counsel.

What a relief.  We already know how stressful and anxious making it is putting so much of our attention on the outside world trying to keep up with everything.  So any excuse to turn off the news, not look at Instagram, and give myself more time for taking a walk without listening to a podcast, sounds good to me.

The Hermit says look within. Seek and ye shall find. Yourself. The Self you can Trust and Love and Follow. Your own inner light and source of wisdom. Step by step we walk the path that is right for us this year. 

I admire the Hermit and people who embody being true to themselves. My sense is that it is all the striving and choices and distractions that confuse us and leave us wanting more and feeling dissatisfied. I know I constantly get disconnected from myself and then feel all over the place and have to bring myself back. I highly recommend pulling a daily reflection card and journalling. And taking a walk in nature, I’m so luck to live next to Battersea Park.

So bring on the Year of the Hermit.   The year of coming back to ourselves and trusting our own autonomy. Let’s give ourselves the time to turn inwards and discover the light that is within each of us where our deep knowing and comfort resides, and follow it day by day step by step. 

Do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online.  It is wonderful learning to trust our own intuition and follow the path that is right for us.




February Forecast part 2….