The Wheel of Fortune brings change…

Today I pulled the Wheel of Fortune as a daily reflection card.   A lens through which to connect or relate or make the most of or enhance…. my day.   My first thought on seeing it was action. JUMP IN!  The way I read the Wheel of Fortune is as powerful moment when we can change our fortune for the better… jumping into life….by taking action, any action (if you havent got a good idea which direction to take) to demonstrate your desire to respond to life and turn the wheel, especially if you are feel slightly stuck in a rut. Which I am.

wheel of fortune tarot card

The Card of Change. Jump in to activate a new cycle of fortune.

So panic stations.  OMG this is the day I have the opportunity to turn the wheel to set a new cycle in motion…..or get stuck in this one?! OMG

Slowly the day turned from dull and grey, as bit by bit the sun tried to pierce the cloud….by 11am definite brightening, by 1 p.m. sun sun sun.  Low tide was at 11 so heading out for a wonderful walk when bumping into a friend on the high street who asked me to take her dog for a walk!  Maudie, a black lab, I jumped at the opportunity.  Maudie didn’t look back she literally bounded down the high street, tail whirling round and round to the beach and off we went.  It wasn’t long before she dropped a pathetically small stick at my feet, but I got the hint and threw it and off we went.  Oh the fun of watching a dog so joyfully charging after a stick, skidding in the sand, bounding into the sea, and hilariously and cleverly observing Maudie’s technique of trying to pick up the stick without getting sand in her mouth!

Meanwhile I was curious so see whether other efforts to ‘jump into life’ would affect a change of circumstance……three texts had been issued to see if anyone was around for the ‘Importance of Being Earnest’ in Newport…..all said no.

Something I’ve never done…I did walk to the shop in Nettlestone and did a circle via the Allotments (which I have never done) round to the Duver in the wonderful golden late afternoon light as the sun was slowly setting and walked on the old beach outside the boat house that Trumpet and I used to walk and play on two summers ago.  I actually felt a lump in my throat and considered whether it also connects to a longing I have now for the companionship of a dog.  Is this the Wheel of Fortune I need to activate?

I also got the strong desire to write to Wendy whose husband died so suddenly, who rented the boat house to us.  Wheel of fortune?

Coincidentally before going to sleep decided to listen to my astrology chart for the first time, since the reading, last year in May I think, which talked of Trumpet and the influence of small dogs in my chart.  Wheel of fortune?

Either way I think this card says consider CHANGE.    There’s also a feeling of rising energy, that change is possible and afoot, that perhaps we are ready to start a new cycle.  We are reminded that life goes in cycles, good and ‘bad, either way life changes.  Consider the wheel of fortune is turning, jump in….and fully engage in what life has to offer. Today’s dazzling sunshine was just that opportunity. Biddy Tarot also says seek the guidance of Angels, I had a quick look to see what how she writes of the Wheel of Fortune.   And coincidentally this morning, I was sent a link of Pam Gregory talking to Anne Tucker and was reminded that you need to talk out loud for Angels to be able to act, ‘answer your prayers’.  I learned this years ago and was very glad of being reminded and so I prayed out loud.

Do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online, it would be lovely to meet you.








The Chariot