Seeing the ‘negative’ in a tarot reading can be your breakthrough
I just learned a great lesson!
That being told something ‘negative’ can deliver a breakthrough.
My example just happened last night when sending a link to a client who wanted to review me, favourably, I spotted the one negative review I have on google. And read it. And it struck a note of truth. It said I was a bit vague, a bit general, and that she had had to take the lead. For the first time I faced head on, where I self-sabotage myself (sometimes) in tarot readings. At the same time the penny dropped about the essence of the 8 of swords and king of swords reading of last week. By wanting to please and not wanting to deliver anything negative I tend to generalise and de personalise and thereby not only diminish how my reading lands but also deprive my client of the, perhaps unpleasant, ‘truth’ or specific that will be his/her breakthrough.
The way for me to consider this negative review in a constructive way was paved by happening to read an essay on substack entitled, ‘Read like the Devil’, read the cards fully in 5 seconds. I am paraphrasing here, Camelia Alias, a writer and tarot reader said ‘ the Devil is in the detail’ and the Devil is also about passion and what she said sounded exciting. Imagine putting aside feelings of concern for the other, or more importantly concerns for myself of being liked let alone getting it RIGHT and delivering an instant take of the cards without adornment and with full congrency in 5 seconds. Wow. That it would be more way more powerful than carefully honed words that deliver the message but are ‘a bit vague, a bit general’.
Camilia Elias challenges herself ‘to look at cards on the table and not only put two and two together very fast, but also formulate the most elegant sentence that you can possibly can come up. This sentence must encapsulate the essential in what I see, and thus make my transmission a strong one.’
I am writing this blog, because suddenly out of quite a lot of uncertainty and doubt has come an Ah ha moment, and a challenge, that I think is going to serve me well, not only in reading Tarot but also in my life.
Don’t self sabotage yourself. Take Control. Use your mind. Integrity. Truth.
The King of Swords holds no prisoners, he says the truth like it is without emotion. And he’s right.
The Devil is in the detail. Be specific. Stop waffling and keeping things general to keep safe and be nice.
Combined with kindness?
Now there’s a combination to work with.
Do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online. And bring your questions, bring the specifics, the context, the ‘Devil is in the detail’ and I think that cuts both ways. Just yesterday I had two women who it turned out were starting the same business together. They decided on two different readings wanting to find out about the new business and didn’t tell me until the end. As it happens both readings had matching potential for the business, but I did feel ‘played’. Tarot is not a parlour game. Although that is exactly how it started so perhaps it still is.