The journey of the suit of Pentacles

The journey of the suit of Pentacles

Pentacles look like coins, money, the physical currency of energy that we exchange for goods decided by our society and institutions.  ‘Money makes the world go around’….hence the suit of pentacles represent our careers, wealth and our place in society as well as our physical energy and health.

Starting our journey with the ACE of pentacles, a brand new start, new job, new possibility, new position. 

We are offered the seed to start growing….

TWO of pentacles shows a man who looks like he is juggling two pentacles.  At the two level we now have choice, and here we assess our options open, keeping our balls in the air, juggling the available energy.  There’s a feeling if you look at the card, of needing to wait until our ship has come in….which it does at the three level.

Three of pentacles.  With the three pentacles we can make plans, we create firm foundations from which we can build. It is the card of collaborating with others to make things happen.

Four of pentacles.  From three to four, we need to consolidate, to ground the energy of where we have got to, hold on to what we have built…we are not in a position yet to advance.

five pentacles tarot card

Go and find the support and health you need from community…

Five of pentacles.   All 5’s, half way to 10 is when we tear things apart, look at things differently. When it comes to the five of pentacles we may feel a bit impoverished, a bit left out in the cold, a bit left out of society, comparisons are being made between ourselves what our friends and colleagues are doing and having.  This is when we may have allowed ourselves to become isolated and need to look at things differently. Metaphorically speaking we are encouraged to go into the warmth of the church with its colourful stain glass window and find support and community we seek in the congregation.

Six of Pentacles.  The card of moving forward and understanding reciprocity, the card of karma, what we sow so we reap.  It’s the card of balance and exchange, of give and receive, and consider how we invest in ourselves, our health, our long term prosperity and find balance.

six of pentacles

The card of Reciprocity, the balance of give and take….

Seven of Pentacles.  Now we have invested much in our endeavours and built up resources and expertise. We may be feeling, when is it going to pay off.  The seven of pentacles is the card of persistence. Now is not a time to quit our efforts but to keep going!

Eight of Pentacles.  The card of perfecting, of honing your skills.  Keep up the good work. It may not be very exciting but it’s all in the detail.

Keep up the good work….

Nine of Pentacles.  The Lucky Bonus.  You receive extra, you are rewarded because of your hard work. Because you deserve it. 

Our legacy working toward the prosperity of generations….

Ten of Pentacles.  The card of prosperity, financial stability, position in society, security for the generations, the health of your legacy from the hard work achieved.

sue b tarot reader

Sue B reading tarot in Battersea.


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