Can a Tarot Reading help interpret a Dream?
The Sun and Death in a two card tarot reading feels powerful and positive to me
How a tarot reading encourages us to keep on perfecting our skills for life
See the inspiration in working away at perfecting your skills because practice makes perfect and will lead to satisfaction
How a tarot reading can bring insight and self knowledge.
When we are able to move forward having come to terms with our emotional past
Having a tarot reading deepens connection to soul and self.
This two card tarot reading guided me to ask myself some deeper questions on a health matter…
Having the time for Tarot can be a genuine pleasure….
Gratitude for the simple things of life….
The King of Cups in an emotional Tarot Reading suggests turmoil…
He is depicted floating on his stone thrown in a turbulent sea.
The Ten of Swords in a Tarot Reading does look gruesome…
the Ten of Swords is the ultimate ‘LET GO’ card in a tarot reading…
Having a Tarot reading always gives food for thought - Mind Body and Soul.
The Ace of Swords in a tarot reading is a powerful card of activation. When we make that one vital decision.
Finding Strength in a two card tarot reading.
A two card spread to answer my question today…
The Empress in a tarot reading expresses Abundance
The Empress is fertile with creativity that harvests her abundance.
Justice in a tarot reading describes the balance of Integrity with Kindness
Justice holds the sword of truth in one hand and the scales of compassion and fairness in the other
When you can’t decide which option to choose?
The three options represented in a specific tarot reading spread..…
Shall I keep going in the same direction?
In a tarot reading the seven of pentacles says keep on going…..
When a tarot reading promises Abundance the Empress appears…
Creative, abundant, generous, the Empress is the Queen of Mothers….
Tarot Healing
The dove of peace blesses this emotional release of emotion bringing healing.
The Ten of Swords in a tarot reading…
The Ten of Swords looks painful but actually it promises freedom if you can let go of trying to control life….
Another powerful two card tarot reading…
This time I followed the advice! It turned out to be the best thing I could have done….
How accurate can a tarot reading be?
The message of this two card tarot reading was pretty clear but did I take the advice?
The Six of Wands is a card of Recognition in a tarot reading
You have the skills, you have the talent, be triumphant and go forth and shine….
The Ace of Pentacles promises new opportunity
This is always an optimistic card to receive in a tarot reading.