When you can’t decide which option to choose?
When you have to make a choice between various options, a specific tarot spread can be most useful.
This weekend, I really couldn’t decide what to do. I needed some insight that would help me make the right decision. I decided to pull a card for each option.
They were, the Kings of Swords, the King of Wands and the 8 of pentacles. I instantly knew the option I was most attracted to…however…
Three tarot cards representing my three choices.
The King of Wands
I always think of the King of Wands as dynamic charismatic creative and passionate. Passionate about what inspires him. A leader and visionary he can’t help himself chasing after what he is most passionate about and generally his unwavering determination can result in outstanding success.
Obviously along with this drive there is a good chance he is a selfish character. And this is what made me hesitate. Was I being selfish? Yes……but how selfish? Selfish in a bad way or selfish in a good way. I always feel positive about the king of wands, he’s definitely enjoying himself and he’s successful! The King of Wands represented choice no 2. Heading to the Isle of Wight for twenty four hours and spending time by myself doing the things I loveI
Meanwhite the King of Swords, he is a paragon of integrity, and he makes decisions based on what is right and just. The King of Swords taps into his intellectual power and authority and makes the ‘right’ decision. He perfectly reflected my feelings on Choice no 1…..what I felt I ought to do. Honour a previous plan made with a dear friend…however given the card also represented the option itself, it might be the right thing to do, but didn’t bode the right spirit for going to an Alabama 3 gig in east London. It seemed a bit dutiful.
I’ve always felt a bit intimidated by the control and logic of the King of Swords. He can be a bit of an authoritarian, not a trait I like in myself and not exactly the relaxed vibe to bring to an Alabama 3 gig in East London. He’s also a bit judgemental and I had already listened to the music and decided it wasn’t for me. So sitting there in a judgemental mood wouldn’t be a good idea.
It was a difficult decision so bearing in mind the integrity of the King of Swords, and letting down a friend. I made my excuses with total honesty, no white lies. And as it turned out, my friend was completely relaxed and had another friend he wanted to invite, and so I happily gave them my ticket. I felt quite king of swords ‘done the right thing’ about it.
The third option the 8 of pentalces, combining the two, looked like far too much work. You just have to look at the figure on the card working away. So that was an instant no. It would have required driving to the island catching the hover and then back for Alabama 3 in London in one day.
I ended up having a wonderful twenty eight hours by myself, painting, walking by the sea, swimming three times, having time to do a couple of tarot readings and writing this blog…..doing what I love! Following my passions. Marvellous.