The Ace of Pentacles promises new opportunity
Monday morning and I pulled the Ace of pentacles. What a promising start to the week as the Ace of Pentacles suggests there’s a new opportunity afoot, a new start and the seed has been sown.
The Ace of Pentacles is also the symbol I chose for my Sue B Tarot logo to symbolise the potential of new possibility that having a tarot reading brings.
Today I pulled The Ace of Pentacles as a support card as I am feeling decidedly insecure, uncertain that a decision I have made is the right ones. So the ace of pentacles as a response to my underlying doubt was a great card to receive as it suggested I ask myself what new opportunity lies ahead (now that I am not spending the week skiing) what is the new opportunity at hand for me this week?
Or how can I use this week as a new opportunity might be another way to phrase the question?
What would I most like? How would I most like to feel at the end of the week?
Answer to feel more balanced, centred, grounded. CONTENT!
At the moment I feel all over the place and why I cancelled skiing (too much about it was stressing me before I even got there) I feel I need to PAUSE and gather myself up. I need a REST, from myself and my restless busyness. Life gets filled up so quickly….everything seems to be a rush and here I am again.
But with the Ace of Pentacles, the seed is sown. Today holds new opportunity. What seed that is already sown, what idea would I like to develop?
Is it the writing? Is there a book in these blogs?
Is it in my desire to develop my language of Tarot, and specifically the language I use when giving a tarot reading? I have a friend, teacher and healer Fiona Arrigo whose healing is in the alchemy of the language she used in conversation with you.
As well as feel content. Enough. that I am in the right place at the right time, that I belong, that I fit. In my body here and now. In Peace. Qi gong might help? More walks will definitely. Choosing the quiet life? choosing Music.
Which makes me think of the best of the nine of cups. He is well satisfied with himself and life. He knows how to enjoy the pleasures of life. He has time to be playful and frivolous and indulge in the pleasure of life. I often say to myself, we were only born in a body with five glorious senses (more actually) to enjoy life through them. So Eat, Drink, Walk, Dance, Swim, (MOVE YOUR BODY), Hug, Kiss, Snuggle and Smell the roses, the blossom, nature the countryside. Feast your eyes on beauty it is all around us. Listen to bird song, to music, to others voices. Take it in.
Take a leaf out of the nine of pentacles book…. Enjoy. Be satisfied. Perhaps he practices Gratitude as the same time?
Take in sitting in the first row of the auditorium of the royal opera house, its beauty, its majesty, the velvet the gilt, and the music, the staging, the privilege as you stroll through to the Floral bar (last night Tuesday).
Luxuriate in being in bed and writing this at 9.15 am. Nothing in the diary till midday! It’s a fine balance of course, where indulgence becomes laziness, and too much pleasure satiates (if that is a word that describes the feeling of having eaten or drunk or overindulged in superficial pleasures, like a box set, or whatever) And besides I don’t my slightly chubby tummy to spoil the pleasure of getting into a swimsuit and swimming!
Find the balance Susan. Don’t be so greedy
And get out of bed and go to work. Action all the above….or some of it.