Tarot for Healing
Tarot for healing sounds a bit ‘soft’ and not what a tarot reading is supposed to be about…..
How a Relationship Tarot Reading can can be revealing….
A relationship spread in a tarot reading can show you different aspects to help realise the full potential….
Tarot Reading for when You can’t Sleep.
Meredith Young-Sowers wise teacher and author of ‘Agartha: A Journey to the Stars’ taught me this antidote to the nine of swords.
Am I Heading in the Right Direction?
Having a tarot reading can be invaluable to reassure you that you are heading in the right direction….
How Tarot Reading can Provide us with the Direction We Need for Our Goals.
A tarot reading can be invaluable to assess a situation and gain the insight you need to move forward confidently…
A Tarot reading can help regain your enthusiasm for life!
Sometimes the advice of the tarot is do what you love as then you’ll regain your enthusiasm for life…
Sometimes we need to compete in life.
The five of wands in a tarot reading says, if you compete you will succeed.
The Five of Swords in a tarot reading asks, is there something that you are overlooking?
Is there something you’ve left something undone? Unsaid? Unvoiced? Un thought out?
The Queen’s legacy will live on for generations.
The Ten of Pentacles in a tarot reading reminds us that the quality of the work we do in the world becomes our legacy….
Why have a face to face tarot reading?
So that you get to ask all the questions on your mind and we have a proper person to person conversation …
The Magician in a tarot reading…
is the card you want to pull when you want to manifest something in your life.
Standing your ground is not that simple.
When you receive the nine of wands in a tarot reading, you are being advised to protect yourself but without being over defensive and that’s the tricky bit…..
The Star heralds bright hope and new prospects.
When the Star appears in a tarot reading I’d like to suggest we can use this moment to envision the future we desire…..
Justice for when life feels a bit unjust….
So often the Justice card in a tarot reading reflects feelings of unfairness and the fear of not getting our just deserts…
Despite looking a bit scary the three of swords gives good advice.
When you receive this card in a tarot reading, it’s not heartbreak but it does suggests that whatever it is you want (with all your heart) may take a bit longer to happen……
Does a Tarot reading tell your future?
I say no. You create your future. A tarot reading shows your future potential. How you work with that potential is up to you….
When you see The World in a tarot reading it reflects a moment of perfection, when everything falls into place.
Ironically sometimes in a tarot reading the World describes a moment of perfection that doesn’t benefit you…..