Tarot reading for New Year Resolutions
Yesterday I had a client who came to me to see how all her New Year Resolutions would pan out. She wanted to know whether she would achieve all her goals.
What pressure to start a new year is what I thought! When she told me she was going to have a 40th birthday this year everything fell into place. I so remember what a big deal moment it was in my life, and remember getting so overwhelmed that I cancelled the dinner that was arranged for me. I just didn’t feel ‘enough’, I didn’t feel I had my life sorted out enough, my career was faltering, my romantic life was in limbo, there was not nearly enough accomplished to celebrate becoming 40!
I understood my client so well, with her list; work and how to get the promotion she desired, home, home, buy a house, plans for travel and new adventure. I noticed ‘relationships’ were not on her list and she’d dropped the idea of needing a boyfriend.
I kept it simple this year, old age and maturity leaves you less goal orientated. And left it to the one card I pulled on New Year’s Day to define my hopes for 2024. It was the Five of Pentacles, a rather despondent card to pull on the first day of a new year. The card shows two beggars outside in the cold, snow falling and the bright stain glass windows of a church, they are outsiders and not part of the congregation. While I wasn’t thrilled to receive the card it did help me recognise a sense of isolation I have been feeling even though I have such a busy life.
The Five of Pentacles says don’t get left outside in the cold look up at the inviting warm stain glass window and go inside, join the congregation, ask for support if you need it.
I was lucky enough to listen to a podcast by Pam Gregory talking about the new year to come, and she said some very wise things that helped me further understand the five of pentacles tarot card as a gift. Her advice was simple, just have one thing in mind that you’d like ‘more of’ next year. Receiving the five of pentacles clarified what I needed ‘more’ of, it was friendship. It wasn’t career, for once, yes there’s always the desire to perfect what I do, learn more, and in particular this year, learn to ‘language ‘ tarot readings more beautifully and accurately. Again I take inspiration from healer and dear friend Fiona Arrigo. Her skill is in the alchemy of being able to ‘language’ ideas and weave them together so that however ephemeral, the information lands inside your body, inside your soul. In fact both women have this skill. Just the tone of their voice and the intention behind their words settle and ground the deeper meaning behind every day life.
So for me making new friends or rebuilding friendships that I’ve put on the back burner to career and achievement is my goal. I had to agree with the five of pentacles that it was my attitude that needed to change. I know when I think about friendship, it conjures up warmth and ease and fun. Enjoying lively conversation, sharing thoughts and feelings with safety, and lots of laughter. I love making people laugh. Everyone loves laughing. I also like friends to do things with, who love to walk, or swim, or cook and eat, or do the crossword, or go to the opera or a movie or just hang out and do nothing.
So I’d like to think a new year’s tarot reading will helps you find clarity about what really matters deeply to you and how to head in a direction that will bring you fulfilment as well as fun.
Do come and have a reading with me in Battersea or online if you’d like to feel more relaxed and confident about the year ahead.