Tarot reading for Direction and for the Confidence to follow our Instincts
The Hermit has the wisdom to follow his own light and take the path that is right for him.
The Hermit has his own light to guide him and a grey beard signifying wisdom.
I just pulled this card, asking the Tarot cards for advice and support on how to temper a ‘habit’ that’s not good for me, let’s just say, that gets out of control now and then. After shuffling the cards and spreading them out and before pulling the card I asked for Divine Guidance, giving intent to connect to the universal God love source energy. Just this small act of prayer immediately centred me. I could feel myself relax and go quiet. It felt really good to let go, to surrender to this peaceful moment, a dear friend describes is as ‘nowhere to go, nothing to do’. It felt peaceful and so I held the moment for a minute or so and found myself taking some big sighs of relief. And listened to my inner voice, or an inner voice that said. Rest in great peace. You are completely ok in this moment, more than ok, deeply enough, so stop rushing, chasing, pushing, trying to fit everything in, greedy for everything, giving yourself the message that you are not ok until you achieve/have all these things and as a consequence arrive at the end of the day exhausted and reach for the habit that will relax you without effort.
And then I pulled one card from 78 and it was the Hermit. How lovely of the Tarot to give me that. A card I respect so much and often feel is the card I most wish to embody. There’s something quiet about the Hermit, a feeling of him/her being a person of profound integrity living the life that is right for them, not in a selfish arrogant way, but simply and satisfyingly following his own inner light with self knowledge and wisdom.
The card said to me, follow your inner light, you know what to do. And it also said, this is your path. Make this challenge your path to self knowledge perhaps. You have ‘conquered’ health challenges, conquer this. Although conquer isn’t the right word is it. Dissolve might be a better one. The Hermit just knows, just as I had when I closed my eyes and prayed to a power higher than myself and surrendered my ego to the present moment, I felt the peace that passeth all understanding. So from that I can deduce that a challenge approach may not be the right way to go, rather a quietness, calling on my inner light to guide me. A surrender, a letting go of the ego (all that wanting) and resting. Perhaps I can consider surrendering this habit?
You can imagine my gratitude. So profound and just the support I needed.
Do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online @suebtarot.com. It would be my great pleasure.