Taking a look at your options in a tarot reading…

Two of wands….. is the quintessential card that describes taking a look at your options.

And it seems the perfect card to have pulled today as I find myself nearing the end of a holiday, and with a growing anticipation of getting home and back into ‘real life’.   The end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Now what? Describes the two of Wands.

I’ve always loved September. Kids are going back to school, and the start of a new school year, and I have the same anticipation of a new start.

In a tarot reading the two of wands suggests that there’s a choice at hand, something you may wish to turn your attention to …Options to consider.  The element of fire represented by wands suggests the options are worth getting excited over.

I am reminded of many Septembers walking in the park dreaming my future as the leaves turn gold.  Today 26th August am thinking perhaps the fire of the wands suggests lighting  a match under my dreams and considering my choices, as I am very conscious of a feeling of both freedom and loss with the death of my beloved companion Trumpet.  There’s part of me that goes ooh now I’ll be able to swim at the local pool, go to a pilates class, travel!  And the other half senses as I prepare to get home, that I won’t have the companion that automatically gives me a raison d’etre, who welcomes me home with a combination of delight, desperation ‘where have you been?’ and fury ‘ how dare you leave me?’, nails just a bit extended so I get the point as he jumps up and turns to indicate ‘lets go home!’  Insisting, well it became our home coming ritual, on heading into the park. The walk immediately restores us, the status quo is in place, he and I are home and together.

Now I won’t need to get up crack of dawn to take him to the park, or schedule my day around his walks, or not being able to do something as I can’t leave him home alone.

Also gone will be the happy rituals of our lives together, the early morning walks, the break at lunchtime, our afternoon naps on the sofa, the six o’clock gin and tonic/dental sticks, walking round the block before going to bed, and then lifting him onto the bed,  for our goodnight love in. Whatever my mood, I was reminded of the physical response to him, stroking his whole body, kissing him on his cheek and whispering, ‘ are you my beloved?’ ‘ are you my beautiful boy?’ and other such silly endearments… which he seemed to love and made me feel happy too.  

Trumpet latterly, snoozing during a tarot reading….

I dread to think how much I am going to miss him climbing over the top of the duvet on cold nights to snuggle down next to me, us sleeping spoon to spoon.   Oh the deep sense of contentment he brought me.  If I couldn’t sleep I would stretch out my arm and rest my hand on his body, or listen to his breathe/snoring.  He did become a mammoth snorer in his old age, but it was always a lovely comforting snore (no comparison to a partner snoring after a lot of red wine).  His presence brought me great contentment and peace. Luckily in his last year, I was so conscious of his failing health that I took hundreds of photos of him, when he was curved into my crossed legs mediting, sprawled on his back legs waving in the air fast asleep, or in the crook of my legs on our afternoon nap, such was the physical pleasure and love I felt, that these memories are imprinted on my heart. I intend to keep them close so that in my imagination we connect still.

No, its time to look at what else might inspire with the two of wands and the Tarot recommends I look at my new freedom with enthusiasm and inspiration – fire/wands.

Actually one way of describing the benefit of any tarot reading would be that it gives you options, shows you the potential ahead and guides you to follow your instincts and desires.

Trumpet enjoying a tarot reading with his best friend Meri…..

He will be missed, certainly by me, and perhaps by some of the people who came for tarot readings, who either enjoyed or had to put up with Trumpet joining them on their side of the sofa, for the start of every single reading.  I was tempted to take a photo as he looked so cute one leg over their knee, however client confidentiality prevented. I never quite understood his insistence on adding his presence to the reading, at least at the start. It could have been just that he didn’t like being left out!

So when you want to consider the future and gain more clarity about the direction to head it, come and check out your options with a Tarot Reading…person to person with me in Battersea or online.



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