Sometimes a tarot reading gives just the advice you need

When I did a three card spread as a fun forecast for the beginning of March and pulled the 10 of swords I never dreamed I was going to experience a series of events that spiralled into a situation whereby I felt like the person illustrated on the ten of swords; ten swords sticking out of my back while lying prostrate in a pool of my own blood…

Not literally but!

As a tarot reader, when I come across this card in a reading, I know there’s the potential for a painful situation, whereby life gets out of control, certainly out of our your control, and that it can be very painful!  The advice is to accept there are times when you can’t control life (well you never can) or other people (those too) and while it offends your ego, and beliefs of what is right, the situation is one you need to let go of, as gracefully as possible. Well I discovered just how difficult that can be.

What was perfect about ‘my’ 10 of swords moment, was it really felt like everything that could go wrong did, and that is was all out of my control. It started with me losing my phone in a car park at service station on the way up to Scotland.  We, my driving companion and I, tracked the phone was in my hand as I walked up to the car, then there was a certain amount of rearranging luggage and off we went.  Neither of us could work out where I could have left it, we must have completely unloaded the car three times trying to find it down the sides of a chair etc. The loss of it didn’t affect how glorious it was to be up in Scotland.  Which was magical. It did however affect communication with anyone else in the outside world, including a decorator who was starting on Monday (I’m not going to say too much more about that) except to say he was resistant to my entreaties of what were my priority and refused to do the job I wanted.  Another example of life getting out of my control

The loss of phone continued to affect the ongoing week, as phone numbers had disappeared from my phone book, all the names of new people on whatsapp (for the last six months) gone, the drama of trying to remember passwords to restore banking apps et al….were a background to more aggressive behaviour from said decorator and an astonishing error of my bank which managed to escalate everything to such an extent that I ended up going to the police station last Sunday morning for their advice.

Saturday morning and I think it’s all over, the worst anyway, but it was a shocker of a week. And a perfect example of the ten of swords.

Once I started sharing my drama, half a dozen friends related theirs.  I’m posting on Instagram this morning as wondering how others have fared. My encouragement to us all is focussed on the new dawn that going through the ten of swords promises!

 Bring it on please.

I tell you what I did learn, is to have more compassion for people when they are going through a ten of swords moment.  It can be frightening as well as painful. And to remember once it is over to let go, don’t over analyse the unfairness, as everyone says life is unfair, sometimes. And perhaps we need a reminder that life is out of control. I found myself feeling very respectful of the tarot reading, as it turned out to be so spot on.

Good luck everyone as if you’d like a personal online tarot forecast for the month don’t hesitate to get in touch.






Sometimes a tarot reading gives an answer to a question that is so profound I am amazed.


One reason to have a tarot reading is, it will help you sleep.