Sometimes a tarot reading gives an answer to a question that is so profound I am amazed.

This Mother’s Day for fun, I decided to do a three card tarot reading just to see what the Tarot would have to say to us. The reading turned out to be something that gave everyone insight.

What amused me was the the card representing us, the knight of cups, perfectly describes us on Mother’s day. Bearing gifts of love (flower, cards, presents).

The Eight of Cups.

The second, was less obvious; the eight of Cups (representing our Mothers in relation to us). That speaks of being at a crossroads where she acknowledges the love she has received, but also that she would now like to walk a slightly different path following her passion.  She is leaving the 8 cups standing.

The bridge, card no 3, between child and mother is the Hermit – the card of integrity,  following the path in life that is right for you.

My impression of this reading was on this day of honouring our Mothers; that she asks to be encouraged to her follow her life and its passions, besides her role as a Mother.

Between them, the Hermit describes what every Mum knows, that it is her ‘job’ to grow a child so that they are able to to lead the life that is right for them. 

I loved the idea in this spread, of Mum being the one to ‘say’ thanks for the flowers, but what’s more important is the mutual understanding that we all need to lead our own lives, and I am keen to do so.

We might make part of honouring of mother, including not only all their incredible hard work and love and sacrifice and joy of motherhood but also give respect and full recognition to their life journeys as individuals;  their passions beyond being our Mothers.

My mother died 18 months ago, at 96.  It wasn’t until she died that we (my three sisters) really saw and respected the woman she was, until then we always saw her through the eyes of Mother and daughter, how much she loved (or didn’t).  We all feel we missed enjoying the magnificent woman that she was.  Being a mother was not her greatest talent, what she was was an extremely creative person, she sang amateur opera with the dolyle carte, was an amazing horse rider, went to the royal college of art, and painted beautifully, she made our clothes, created gardens, and in latter life became a highly respected bridge player. The Label of mother blocked our view. We would have had more fun if we’d been able to see her fully.

Mother’s have such influence on our lives, it is not surprising how often I am asked in a tarot reading to take a look at that relationship.



Asking the right questions in a tarot reading to get the answers you need…


Sometimes a tarot reading gives just the advice you need