Asking the right questions in a tarot reading to get the answers you need…

Recently I gave a tarot reading to a ‘newby’ who knew nothing about Tarot,  afterwards, rather amazed by the breadth of the reading and it’s insights, he said ‘I had no idea I could ask questions, and that a reading could be so focussed on problem solving’.

Hence this blog, as there’s no doubt, in tarot, just as in life, the quality of your questions gives you better answers.

We all remember in exams it was all about understanding the question.  Reading the question at least twice to make sure you didn’t spend two hours writing on an aspect the examiners were not interested in. Understanding the importance of understanding questions and their specifity, was why I was very successful in exams and very average in the class room.

It was always tempting when you didn’t know an answer, to try to show your knowledge by writing about what you did know, in the hope the examiner would at least be impressed by your ‘trying’ rather than leaving a blank and not answering the question at all.  But sadly it doesn’t give you any marks.

Even as a life coach, I remember getting the best result for a client was dependent on the quality of questions you asked.  Same when you are trying to help a friend solve a problem, and they come to you to help be a sounding board. The right questions can help them find solutions.

 Same with Tarot.

In general, the most asked question is ‘Am I on the right track?’ And it is incredibly reassuring when we do a three card spread that describes the background the present and the future, which clearly shows a steady movement forward in the direction we want to head.

Where good questions can really help is when things are not that clear.

And that’s where really specific questions can help give you the answers you need. It’s no good asking questions that can be replied with a yes or no.  Its best to ask open ended questions.

For example recently a client wanted to know how he was going to find an agent .  His first question was how am I doing so far, and he pulled the Wheel of Fortune, which confirmed that Change was happening, his proactive engagement was moving things forward, however he still hadn’t achieved his goal.  And so his next question was what do I need to do?  and he pulled the 5 of swords.  From this he knew that rather than there being something new he needed to do, it was more a question of was there some action he’d missed, overlooked, not followed up on?  Some way he was letting himself down? He immediately identified an agent he’d been hesitating about whether to get back to.  Which led him to ask another question, which was how could he activate naturalness and confidence in his communications. He felt he had lost his original confidence and was always holding back. When he got the Queen of Wands, he broke into a huge smile, because it answered his question specifically, yes, it was ok to be his independent, creative, sparky self, he didn’t have to play it so safe.

Just having a half hour tarot reading to explore a situation is invaluable.   Tarot is like having a conversation with a friend, except there’s no bias, and you can ask as many questions as you like and take as long as you need until you have the answers that really resonate with you and give you back your autonomy and confidence to make the right decisions for you.

Good luck everyone. And bring your questions to me, the more specific the better, as I really like working with clients to come up with solutions in their tarot readings. Online Tarot reading with Sue b




‘Am I heading in the right direction?’ is a useful question to ask in a tarot reading


Sometimes a tarot reading gives an answer to a question that is so profound I am amazed.