‘Am I heading in the right direction?’ is a useful question to ask in a tarot reading
‘Am I on the right track?’ is a question that underlies the heart of every tarot reading..
It’s what we all want to know.
And why it’s important to think ahead about the questions you want answered.
A three card tarot reading is often a great way to answer any general question, when you want to know more about a situation. It could be, how is my career going, my relationship with my boss, my partner, children, buying a house, finances…three cards give you information about the background, the present, and best way forward. And from there of course you can pull cards on different options as they naturally come up in a reading, to gain more specific answers. .
Recently clients have pulled the Lovers as their present situation, which is such an interesting card because the Lovers is all about CHOICE. In the present situation, the Lovers speak of a choice that is ours to make, it is up to us to decide what we want to connect with, we have to pick the apple, to ask the question, in pursuit of knowledge.
Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. It is Eve who picks the apple from the tree of Knowledge.
And of course for all of us, we know in every moment, whatever is going on, bad or good, we get to choose how we respond. We can choose every thought, action, deed; choose how we are going to respond to life and what we are going to do or be.
Getting the Lovers is a wonderful endorsement of this, and reminds us that divine guidance will support our choices. But what makes me laugh is how hard some of us find it to CHOOSE. To decide. If indecision and procrastination are your middle names, as they are mine, then the Lovers can throw up ‘Ok that’s great, but what to choose? I don’t know.’
This week I pulled it and realised a huge ambivalence, avoidance even, coming out of anxiety and uncertainty no doubt about whether I was heading in the right direction ….and while happy to know I had the Lovers and that Divine Guidance was ready to support my choice, I didn’t know what to choose?
Which is why tarot is so helpful when you don’t know. I asked for a card to give me advice on ‘the best way forward’. And got the 3 of cups. The three of cups shows three women dancing together, cups raised and signifies, celebrating life, fun, friendship, engagement, connection. It has a lovely light hearted feeling of enjoying life and sharing the fun of it with others. Exactly the opposite of my mood when I was doing the reading! I do have a tendency to get awfully serious on occasion….so a rather perfect answer to my question. It makes sense that by celebrating life and friendship, it will warm the cockles of my doubting heart and bring me back to the warmth of community, of belonging, and of love.
So consider an online tarot reading when you want to know ‘Am I on the right track?’, just half an hour on Facetime, or Whatsapp can be so helpful and reassuring. Bring your questions and we can start a tarot reading from there, best wishes Sue b