April brings the King of Finance.

Time to ‘Get down to Business’. The King of Pentacles is the king of money; he/she understand commerce,  how business and banking works…..

When I read this three card spread for April my feeling is we are being encouraged to engage our independent creative selves by connecting with others, doing what we love, with the intention of ‘getting down to business’.

The way I read a three card spread is, background, present situation, where it is leading/best way forward. Queen of Wands, independant, creative, entrepreneurial, spirited, Three of Cups, celebrating life, engagement, friendship, enjoyment leading to the King of Pentacles.

I have a slightly ambivalent relationship with the King of Pentacles, because first off he is quintessentially the banker, someone who really lives by the idiom ‘money makes the world go around’. Perhaps it’s time as poet Jacqueline Suskin said in a recent poem on Instagram…..’its time to grow up and make money’.

All Kings are in control of their domain, pentacles are about the practicalities of the physical world and Money is the physical form that is our currency to everything, food, clothes, gas, electricity, a roof over our head, travelling, holidays, everything. People who have money, lots of money, have more power. A generalisation I know but still in our society money and what money buys brings status. Bankers, banks are at the heart of Establishment, Governments. So lots of connotations to shy away from chasing, if you consider yourself a creative free spirit who wants the world to be a happier place then learning how to bring your ‘product’ to market is key.

When I pulled the spread, I rather glibly said, the King of Pentacles message is ‘make money’…. on reflection the King of Pentacles is much more than making money, he really understands the business of how society works, markets work, the rules of engagement and economy. Essential to understand for any creative free spirit who wants the world to be a happier place and be able to ‘market’ themselves and what they have to offer to the world.

Pentacles also reflects our physical energy. And Kings have plenty, so I want more of that!

My takeaway was whatever it is, whatever we do (or don’t) ‘money makes the world go around’. I rather liked being reminded to bring our independent spirit, our love of life and what we do to the table and contribute to the economy of life. This is not a time to shy away from financial business practicalities, especially as the King of Pentacles does speak of financial reward. And I’d like to buy myself a top of the range wet suit which isn’t a nightmare to get on and off and which dries quickly….any suggestions?

Now that April is upon us, I will be tarot reading by appointment in Battersea as well as ONLINE VIA WhatsApp from the Isle of Wight where I am hoping to spend lots of time in said wetsuit.

Happy April everyone.


How to create your future with Tarot….


‘Am I heading in the right direction?’ is a useful question to ask in a tarot reading