One reason to have a tarot reading is, it will help you sleep.

Clients often say after a tarot reading they finally had a good night’s sleep. It makes perfect sense, as the whole point of a tarot reading is to restore you back to yourself, your centre, where you can trust yourself; be able to follow your own instincts. It’s the lack of clarity and confusion that leads to worry and sleepless nights. A tarot reading opens up possibility and optimism, because once we have clarity and direction, fears and doubt diminish, and we are restored.

So if you are not sleeping well because of worry and anxiety, I’d like recommend a tarot reading. People always feel much happier and more optimistic. I can’t tell you how many clients leave all smiles, shoulders down, chatty, all the tension of their doubts and fears dissolved by fresh insight as well as having solutions about the way forward.

Perhaps online tarot readings before bedtime will become a ‘thing’?

Since we’re on the topic of sleep, and everyone’s talking about not getting enough and ‘tips for’…. I’m adding what I do and have learned from Donna Eden and Energy Medicine.

What I love about Donna Eden is that we do it all by ourselves, with our HANDS.  Our hands, everyone’s, has an electromagnetic field which connects to whatever we touch.   We all have heard of healing hands, well everyone has their own pair.

The first thing you need to do to prepare for sleep is pretty obvious, calm down the nervous system and with it our mental activity.

In energy medicine, it’s the triple warmer that controls fight or flight and is therefore the system that needs calming down first.  For this, it is the simplest of holds.  You hold one hand across your forehead and the other opposite behind your head. Hold for a couple of minutes and breathe.  You just have to check in after a couple of minutes to feel the difference.  By doing this you are levelling out your energy and settling the nervous system. Easy to do when you are in bed even.

We are always told to slow down the breathe, well I find doing these exercises at the same time, makes all the different.

Here are three other versions of calming triple warmer you can do in bed.  One is just holding the neurovasculars, which simply means, place thumb at your temple and the other fingers holding your brow, breathe and rest for a minute or so.  And see how you feel.

Another is great for when you want to lie on your side ready for sleep, hold your hand against the side of the face (touching pillow) from temple to jaw line and place the other hand, fingers together in a three finger clump and hold (rest on) the throat chakra.  

Another is the triple warmer hug which I often do lying on my back. I cross my arms and allow the right hand to rest under my arm (breast level) on the seam line of the body, the other hand rests over the right arm just above elbow.  Try it, hold for a minute or two or three, breathe, and just notice how much more relaxed you feel.

Another wonderful technique, especially if you are having trouble falling asleep, is the heaven and earth stretch. I do either before getting into bed (having calmed triple warmer, because once that system is balanced, your body is able to respond to other techniques) or in the middle of the night when I wake up and go for a pee to help me go back to sleep. 

Place hand,  electromagnetic, on your thighs and imagine the energy going straight down your legs and ball of foot into centre of earth, also continuing the line up through your torso, spine neck throat head, and on up, for 5 seconds then swing your arms up over your  head and land in front of your heart in a prayerful position,  stretch one arm up high and the other low, looking either up or down, Egyptian style ie your hands are flat, take a big breathe and hold at the top, release out with a big sigh of release and satisfaction and return to the heart and prayerful position and stretch up and down to the other side. I do this perhaps three times each sides making loud releasing exhale sounds and then flop over, arms, head, neck handing to touch my toes, and start dangling my arms, taking three deep breaths, sinking further and further down, till my knuckles are touching the ground and my spine and neck feels all loose(I have been doing this for a long time) and then slowly roll up, hands rolling up the energy smoothly to the top of my head and then imagining bathing the back of my body so I have wrapped myself into a cocoon of calm spacious energy.  What this stretch does is open up the body and brings space to the organs, which allows them to release toxins and get rebalanced.

The easiest way to learn all of this is go on You Tube and type in Donna Eden Energy Medicine, triple warmer.

The basis of all energy medicine is donna’s daily energy routine, again you tube and you’ll meet her, a wonderful healer and all round person. I do it without fail first thing every morning as I walk Trumpet in the park. I might look a bit odd but the few people out walking don’t seem to care.

Have a lovely week everyone and don’t hesitate to try an online tarot reading to get a good night’s sleep.


Sometimes a tarot reading gives just the advice you need


A tarot reading to start the month of March