A tarot reading to start the month of March
I pulled three cards asking the question, first, the Six of Pentacles, what has set up, or is the background to the start of March, secondly The Ten of Swords, what is the present situation, what is on our plate currently to card number three, what next if we deal with what is present, the Queen of Pentacles…..
The reading reflects an interesting transition from the Six of Pentacles to the Queen of Pentacles, via Ten of Swords. As if to say, to prepare for March we understood the need to invest in the practicalities needed to move forward. And are now facing the realisation of needing to let go of whatever can’t be in our control and doesn’t serve us, and having done that, able to progress to the Queen of pentacles, who is the Queen of being able to take care of ourselves and others and get the job done.
This is how I read the sequence, can see forecast on instagram too…card no. 1, the background.
The six of pentacles is the card of reciprocity, where we understand the karmic cycle of giving in order to receive. We have invested in the exchange and natural flow of giving and receiving. Pentacles, sometimes called coins, represent the energy of money, the practical form of exchange we use to make the world go round. And so there is the idea of money needing to change hands, to others who are less fortunate, or to pay for services rendered, or contributing to friends and community. The key to this card is finding the balance between giving and receiving. Some of us are good at giving and not so at receiving, others at receiving and not so at giving. This card asks us to find the balance.
A generalisation would be mother’s do more giving than receiving, and why we are about to celebrate Mother’s day very soon, on 19th March….
Card no 2. Present situation
The Ten of Swords
Now we face the Ten of Swords, a pretty grim looking card in the tarot deck, but actually the dawn of a new day is not far away. That is, once we are able to let go of what no longer serves us. He has ten swords stuck in his back, suggesting there may be a particular situation that is causing much difficulty and we are having difficulty letting go of, or out dated ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world that need to be shed. The ten of swords reminds us that transformation takes shedding, it doesn’t have to be so painful if we can stop our ego getting in the way. We know we can’t control life, other people, situations (mind you it is not easy to let go when we ‘know’ we are ‘right’ about something!) The ten of swords suggests we might as well let go as we are going to have to surrender anyway. I want to add life is unfair.
On pondering this card for a few days, it occurs to me, the ten of swords may just be saying let go of February and embrace March! February can be a tough month for lots of people, who haven’t been lucky enough to travel to India, many of my friends are ‘worn out’ and tired, of winter, of what is going on in the world. Perhaps the ten of Swords means let go of February blues! Of February overwhelm and having to stay indoors. I’ve definitely been struggling with a combination of overwhelm and isolation, which of course I don’t think is ‘right’! What if the ten of swords is saying don’t make it into an ‘issue’ just let go, drop it, surrender whatever this struggle is and welcome spring? What a lovely idea.
So many teachers have been emphasising the need to REST. Pause between chores. Breathe. Stay present. Step back from our busyness and ‘to do’ lists. The Ten of Swords is not easy. Especially when the struggle is with our own ego. We recognise the need to let go of what no longer serves, and is making life more difficult because of our refusal to surrender being ‘right’ and see a new dawn.
Card no 3. What next?
Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles. We are now feeling capable about making what we want happen and get the job done coming from practical love. All Queens are Queens, first of all, and LOVING. The way the Queen of Pentacles loves is by bringing her skill of understanding the practicalities of life and what people need to feel secure and fulfil their potential. So often Queen of Pentacles are extremely successful in their careers. I like the ‘queen of hearth and home’ metaphor for enjoying home life, being comfortable in harmonious surroundings, taking care of ourselves, getting enough rest, feeling safe and having the energy to welcome friends and family round the table to eat drink and be happy.
If you would like your own reading for March do get in touch and let me know how the ten of swords goes for you.