How a Relationship Tarot reading works…

When you ‘want to look at a relationship’ in a tarot reading, I generally start with an initial three card spread. I ask you to choose a card that describes ‘you in relation to the other’, then a second card to describe ‘the other in relation to you’ and a third card as ‘the bridge’, what connects you currently, what the flow of energy is between you, ‘the vibe’ (if you like). 

A very romantic Relationships Spread…..the ace of cups represents falling in love, vulnerability, the six of wands indicates mutual respect and recognition, the eight of wands suggests the arrows of love.

Very often just these three cards sum up exactly what you need to know. The cards that represent you and the other, describe how you are currently facing each other, how you are perceiving the other and vice versa,  the ‘bridge’ card especially describes the energy between you and the potential.

Once you can immediately see the quality of engagement each person has to each other, it can be helpful to observe who may have the balance of power and ask how it might be shifted and rebalanced.

Very often we just need to pull an advice card for you, because you already have so much information garnered from the three cards on the table. And often the advice card, confirms your intuition, that you weren’t able to tap into (or were afraid to) without the help of a reading.  Equally the advice can stop you doing the ‘wrong thing’.

For instance, in a romantic situation when you really like someone and don’t know how they feel, how do you act?  Do you initiate or wait …..a pivotal piece of advice in the dance of any relationship, because getting the first move wrong can blow everything!

Sometimes it helps to pull more cards to understand more hidden feelings, in this case we choose one card for ‘how you feel about them’ and then one for ‘how they feel about you’.   Always remembering that emotions are fluid and nothing is set in stone.  We get to choose and affect the potential at hand is what I always say.

A tarot relationship spread can be so helpful in all sorts of relationships; with family members, work colleagues, a boss, friend, partner, would-be partner, anyone.

At work, perhaps you have a boss who’s difficult, the advice card can be key to unlocking your relationship with them.  Again typically we are trying to decide what can we do to change the dynamic, should we be more proactive, ask to discuss the situation, keep our head down and keep up the good work?  Or should we be looking for another job? Again when you can see where the boss is coming from, perhaps they are just ridiculously stressed and its nothing about you, you are able to feel more compassionate, be less defensive and reduce the existing tension and anxiety.

The three of cups as the bridge in this relationship said connect and have fun!

Or you have had an argument with a friend and now there’s a rift, you want to make up but don’t know how to go about it.   I recently had a client who hadn’t spoken to a friend for a year, she felt the friend had let her down and was reluctant to trust her again.   The cards said call, go out and have fun. It specifically said do not have a serious talk about what happened in the past.  She text me after a girls weekend away to say how wonderful it was to be friends again.

Once you see the quality of energy flowing between you, and how each party are feeling you have more of a chance of building the connection you desire. And sometimes you know that it is time to walk away.

If you’d like to book a Relationship tarot reading with me please get in touch and text me at +447775758040



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