Having a Tarot Reading to Clarify where you stand in a relationship….

Having a tarot reading to clarify where you stand in a relationship is probably one of the most sought after requests I receive.

It’s not surprising as the quality of our relationships is central to our happiness…and yet there are all sorts of dynamics at play, that are way beyond our control, and why a Tarot reading can bring insights that can be so helpful. 

Relationships are magical things, they rely on timing, chemistry, reading each other’s mood, ebb and flow, our family history, luck, chance….they are a dance, sometimes we lead, sometimes we follow, sometimes they need a light touch and other times they need directness.   In a reading you can see where the balance of power lies and how to tip the scales.

Relationships involve every aspect of our lives, work, play, family life and can leave us feeling vulnerable and ‘at sea’ because they mean so much and we don’t know what to do. Too close to the friend, partner, lover to be able to see things clearly, and too emotionally involved to be able to analyse the relationship without bias.

In a romantic situation, especially the early days, you can’t just ask your partner, potential lover, new date, how they feel about you. Direct questions are not a good idea, because romantic relatioships (well all relationships) rely on a kind of chemistry, that makes us laugh, love, feel tender, breaks a tense moment, brings excitement, pleasure, enjoyment, relaxation, satisfaction, nourishment, trust, challenge, change, variety…..to name just a few of the elements at play.

The Lovers is about Choice; deciding to pick the apple from the tree…

Equally that’s what makes relationships so intoxicating and challenging, and why they are central to our lives, our happiness, our success, and therefore central in tarot reading. 

Tarot can bring such insight, as well subtlety and nuance, it can be a revelation to your understanding. The cards have multiple layers of meaning, illustrated with colour, symbols, images of archetypes that communicate to us on a deep subconscious level, information that by-passes logical thinking, often bringing unconscious feelings to the surface, that help us understand and connect to what’s going on in our relationships.

Do come and have a Relationship Tarot Reading with me, here in Battersea or Online via Zoom or FaceTime.


How a Relationship Tarot reading works…


How to create your future with Tarot….