How a daily reflection Tarot card can give you guidance…

Choosing one tarot card as a reflection card for the day can give you not only support but inspiration.

I like to think of it as an extra creativity tool to add to your day.

Just as you choose one card out of 78,  at random, you also get to choose what it’s meaning is for you that day.  By that I mean, you have the opportunity to be creative with how you interpret the card, how it ‘speaks’ to how you are feeling, and to what is going. You get to ask yourself questions, they always say the quality of your questions determines the quality of the results (or something similar) and how using Tarot is great for creating your life. 

For instance, if you pick a ‘bad’ card like The Tower don’t get your knickers in a twist.   You might (if you are like me on a bad day) immediately think oh no, disaster, the rug’s going to be pulled from under me, everything’s going to fall apart, something’s horribly wrong….or you can be a bit more creative and helpful to yourself, by asking different questions…. hmm is there something I am doing, or planning, where the foundations are a bit dodgy, that perhaps I haven’t thought out properly, something that in the back of my mind I need to attend to but have  ignored, something that needs my attention now?   I can guarantee most of us will find an answer to that question which will turn out to be invaluable. 

Just the same with other ‘bad’ cards, the five of swords, the seven of swords, in these instances you just might ask the question… there something where I haven’t crossed the ts and dotted the is? Has something been said that shouldn’t have been said (by me even?)…..or something that should have been said but hasn’t been (by me even?)……or hmmm where am I giving my power away…am I doing too much for someone, am I allowing something else to take my energy, or is there an area where perhaps I am taking advantage? And if you have the 8 of swords, where am I sabotaging myself with insecurities and doubts? 9 of swords why am I worrying?  Is it about the past in which case that makes no sense. (OMG the journey of the swords, air, thoughts, truth is not easy).  You’ll always learn something interesting and be able to bring more awareness/consciousness to the day, which always adds fun.

I don’t do it every day, but I do it when I need inspiration, it can help put the day in context in terms of the big picture, it can bring fresh inspiration and ideas.  Sometimes the meaning jumps out at me and other times the card takes more reflection and it’s meaning plays in the background of my day.  Sometimes I’ll journal on it at the end of the day, or the beginning of the next, as it really helps ground my insights. Either way it always adds interest and enhances the day and I feel spurred on.  Thank you Tarot, you do work in mysterious ways.

 I picked the Chariot this morning! The Heroic Quest….Oh my!  Will journal tomorrow morning and post here at Sue B Tarot




Tarot for Direction


How a Relationship Tarot reading works…