Choosing Love over Fear with the Two of Cups…
Monday 6th January, feels like the first proper day, back to school, back to work, back to real life, start of new year 2025.
If anybody has felt like me over the last few days, feeling a little nervous, anxious at the start of a race, milling around the start line, ready for the off, but not quite under starter’s orders….a metaphor that anyone who watches horse racing might relate to. And I don’t really. And today its Monday…let’s go.
When we choose to connect to someone we love in friendship…..
So received the two of cups as our reflection card was just the card I needed. The Two of Cups is about a choice, an emotional choice. Choosing to connect with someone or something we love. It describes a relationship based in friendship. The connection of soulmates even. Which mistakenly I always associate with romantic love but of course if you think about it, this card is really talking about connecting to a like-minded soul.
Rather belatedly in my life I recognise that I am lucky enough to have soulmate relationships with some, a few dear friends. They are friends where we are able to bare and share our souls. Our heart’s desires.
And today, since that card, I have had the fortune to have had two conversations of that nature with two dear and trusted old friends where they helped restore me, we shared our hearts, mind and soul. What a privilege and blessing bestowed, and just what I needed to feel restored to myself.
When I first wrote about the one choice or rather decision we might choose to make. That will make all the difference to our year, see prior blog, its was to consciously choose love and possibility rather than fear and doubt.
I had been lurking in fear and doubt the last couple of days, dipping in and out of there. Today I was reminded by the Two of cups to choose love.
People say that to live your purpose you need to do what you love. Sometimes I get so focussed on achieving a tangible goal that I forget the simple ways to connect to love.
Before breakfast I took a walk down the beach at low tide with little Riley, the dog I am looking after and who has featured in quite a few Instagram posts…..and was able to connect to what I love, the sea, walking, sky, birds, dogs, freedom, time in nature, alone, heaven.
So my dear friends, I hope you have had the fortune to be able to choose to connect to what you love today, children greeting school friends after the holidays, colleagues back to work exchanging stories of how they fared over Christmas, who watched Love Actually for the 10th time, shared new year resolutions they have already broken.
Let’s start the new year proper with love in the air. And CHOOSE love.
And do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online to connect to heart and soul.