A two card tarot reading for Christmas Eve….
Christmas Eve with family; an event we’ve been building up to, planning, and this year it stretches, or would a better word be, includes a whole weekend, so instead of say two nights staying with the family, its four nights! For some of us, we won’t have all been together since last year. It is a challenging time, with best intentions beforehand and then everyone’s personalities and singular habits and views and tastes can get a bit much to manage.
So I pulled a reflection card. It was the 8 of pentacles. Uh oh, keep working it. Keep perfecting. Keep doing what needs to be done. The 8 of pentacles, already at the 8 level reflects having invested a lot of effort already, this is a time to just keep up the good work.
A two card tarot spread that gives me the encouragement I need on Christmas Eve. Happy days is you keep up the good work and bring a little inspiration.
Not that pulling the 8 of pentacles didn’t perfectly reflect my feeling about the days ahead, I would have loved a card that didn’t emphasise the effort required. I was missing a sense of fun or inspiration I was looking for, so i had to pull another card. Please a bit more of an idea about how to go about that! Whew it was the page of Wands. His message is much sparkier. At the page level in tarot, we understand this to be the first deliberate step, movement, action forward in the pursuit of….and in this case in the suit of Wands, fire, passion, creativity, inspiration.
If it had been the page of pentacles, it would have suggested studying the situation, learning more; the page of cups, open your heart, soften, release emotions; the page of swords, use your intellect and logic and be opportunistic. The page of wands gets excited.
So the overall message is clear. Keep working at it. Get inspired. I can’t help thinking with those pyramids in the distance on the page of wands tarot card, I might look for inspiration outside the domesticity of cooking, laying the table, washing up, eating drinking watching tv…..it feels like card games at a minimum to spark events up. And what else.
I am going to keep thinking.
Meanwhile to all of you who find Christmas challenging, I guess this is our moment to remember the big picture, and put our personal desires on hold, restrain from being ‘contrary’ (me) and focus on contributing to the work that Christmas entails as well as bring a bit of fun to the table. Or something like that.
Happy Christmas everyone and do come for a tarot reading with me in Battersea in the New Year. Online readings work just as well, if you can’t make Battersea. And for anyone who spots this, I will be in the Isle of Wight over New Year.