A Tarot Card for Christmas Day
Our reflection card for Christmas day is the Three of Cups.
Celebrate. Engage. Enjoy. Connect.
The perfect message for Christmas Day.
I always love describing the journey of the Cups. The first cup; an opening of the heart, a release of emotion, falling in love, vulnerability, healing….and when we progress to the Two of Cups….this emotional opening connects with another, a someone, or a something, that you love. In Tarot we often say it reflects a relationship or partnership based in friendship, soul mates, a soul connection…and when we move to the THREE level in cups…wow so exciting we have found love and partnership now let’s celebrate and share this love with the world. Which is why so often in Tarot this card can signify an engagement of marriage! Either way the idea is clear, and just like an engagement, it’s a time when you want to share your love, what you love, and engage with the world in a celebratory fashion.
This Christmas Tarot spread says; it is your Choice to Celebrate and Engage sharing the message of Peace in all its Strength and Purity.
Christmas Day; a day to celebrate life, friends, family with heart felt connection. What I also love about randomly pulling this card today, is the sharing, connecting, celebrating with OTHERS aspect of this card. To me, it says today is for spreading the love, a day when we put our energy into full engagement with others, not a day for thinking about yourself or getting on with every day life. It’s about CELEBRATING. I looked through all 78 cards in my tarot deck just after pulling this one, as ever finding it so extraordinary the way we pull the one card out of 78 that rings so true. Except for perhaps the Strength card, Temperance and the Lovers, although both are in the three card spread above…because of course levels of patience and communicating from a place of peace are certainly useful qualities to bring to a day when we are surrounded (hopefully) by family and the pressure of having the perfect happy day. Both of those cards are asking us to CHOOSE to have a little care about how we communicate, but the three of CUPS is clear….ENJOY, ENGAGE, CELEBRATE, CONNECT…..it is unreservedly joyful. You only have to look at the card with three women dancing in a circle, cups raised in a toast of good cheer, and holding hands to get the picture!
Happy Christmas everyone. Much love and good cheer to us all love Sue b