4. You have all the tools…

I always say, we create our lives in every breath, thought, word and deed.  The Magician is the second card in the major arcana and reminds us that we have all the tools we need to manifest what we want. We have creativity, imagination, intelligence, our emotions and our understanding of the day to day practicalities of life, money, health, society etc. . We have all the tools. The Magician also understands that skill comes with a certain Alchemy whereby we realise we weave our magic especially when we understand there is a co-creation going on here. Tarot cards are a bridge between us and a source of intelligence that holds possibility wisdom and freedom. Where we are in partnership. Reading Tarot if anything teaches us, this isn’t a one man show, there is a divine source of intelligence/consciousness that we are all part of and able to connect with.

If that sounds a bit woo woo ignore. Just try reading for yourself.

I always take a bit of a pause before pulling a card, with an intention to connect to said source. Sometimes it comes out more as a prayer. I say prayer not in a religious way but it does perfectly describe the way I like to approach the tarot, with a certain respect and humbleness as it is a powerful bridge to an unconscious part of myself at least. Gratitude is always a nice way to start.

I have developed a little ritual that settles me into a receptive and intuitive space. I recommend everyone finds their own. Might be looking at a flower or smiling (that always relaxes our nervous system), lighting a candle, just being still and tuning into your breathe…...


3. Making a start. A fun adventure...


2. Follow the path that is right for you