As with all cards there are multiple interpretations and subtleties but when clients have the four of cups in their readings, I know how they feel and am reminded of that stubborn attitude we can take when we don’t like the look of things and are frankly not sure it is even worth bothering’.

I always love to tell the story of cups, that starts with one cup (emotions), heart opening to love, two of cups connecting with another, falling in love, a soul mate friendship, three of cups, celebration, engagement, toasting friendship,  love and connection, four of cups….hmm reality check it’s not as wonderful as I thought it was going to be….she/he/it is not perfect after all – shock horror.

And it doesn’t surprise me that this card is turning up in readings at the moment, because who does like what is going on in the world, and we may feel what’s the point in trying. 

However there is a cup on offer and you must take it, otherwise you may miss an opportunity.   You can just sit there on strike and expect the world to come to you however you may miss out.  

It’s not a nice place to be….however so frequently in life, there are moments when things are not as we would like, the Tarot says, there’s always an opportunity to make the most of what is on offer.  A platitude of course.  Still the Tarot says take the cup!



Gratitude can really help….

