The Ten of Swords in a Tarot reading says LET GO!
I recently picked the ten of swords as an advice card for a health situation in my life and I didn’t like it one bit.
I was hoping for advice about what I could DO to alleviate/help/change/improve the situation. However the ten of swords says, there is nothing you can do except let go; let go of trying to control the situation or control other people.
The ten of swords is the ultimate ego killing. You are being told, especially, let go of your ego. And the illustration on this tarot card seems to hold a threat that if you don’t you will bleed to death, after all there is a man lying on the ground with a red shawl over him with ten swords sticking in his back. There is definitely the promise of blood. A suggestion that trying to control the situation will only make it more painful. Did I mention the lovely new dawn on the horizon.
The Ten of Swords does look a bit gruesome so the quicker you ‘let go’ of control, the quicker the new dawn….
When I am reading this card in a tarot reading, I am always quick to point out, the good news, ok the situation may be out of your control, still the quicker you ‘let go’ the quicker the new dawn will arrive.
I found receiving this card made me feel quite scared.
What did it mean? That I should expect the worst, there’s nothing you can do about it but never mind there is a new dawn coming. What kind of new dawn? I wouldn’t mind a new dawn but not at the expense at having to giving up what? not too much I hope. And there it is again, there’s not much bargaining with the ten of swords.
At first thought I thought oh dear do I have to give up all my energy medicine, qi gong meditation, Quantum field studies, as that’s just me trying to control my health? They’re not going to help!
After a few days of nervous consideration I have decided the ten of swords card doesn’t say stop anything except perhaps stop the ego not accepting a situation it may not like, is unlikely to like.
I’m still trying to work it out, certainly energy medicine and qi gong have nothing to do with Ego, rather the opposite. I really don’t understand how energy works, just as I don’t know ‘how’ Tarot works, but I do know there’s a field of energy, a field of intelligence, that knows what it knows, and its miraculous, and that we are all happening as part of this ‘field’ (quantum if you like).
Perhaps the ten of swords is be referring to ‘stinking thinking’, as swords represent thought, let go of over thinking, fearful thoughts etc. Let go of fear. Hmm that’s a more positive take. I do hope it is that!
I will keep you posted as I am as curious as you to find out what happens next. And please come to Battersea for a reading or let’s see each other online.