The Celtic Cross is a great way to start a tarot reading.
The Celtic Cross is my go to tarot spread to start a reading. It is a ten card spread. Each card chosen is placed in a specific position that gives a snapshot description of what is going on.
Yesterday I did a tarot reading for a client who has come to me many times over the years. She gave her permission to use it to for this blog and to demonstrate how the Celtic Cross works.
The first card she pulled was the Four of Swords representing her present situation, the second was the Seven of Swords which represents the challenge in this situation.
With the four of swords crossed by the seven of swords we can see the conundrum, on the one hand needing to take time out in order to be able to tune into your inner self and integrate the four elements, life force energy, mental clarity, self expression, and the heart to come to an understanding of your inner truth with integrity. However crossed by the seven of swords, swords representing the mind and intellect, we see five swords being carried off, being stolen away. In the tarot we mean by that, thoughts are stealing away with power. We ask the question, to whom or what are you giving your power away? The seven of swords helps us realise how by overthinking a situation or person we give our power away. Overthinking a situation, giving too much attention to something becomes negative thinking.
The advice is put the seven of swords aside and tune into your inner self and truth. The four of swords is the minor to the major arcana card the Hermit. When we know ourselves and are able to follow our own light on the path that is right for us. The Hermit is a leader with Integrity, he/she doesn’t follow the crowd.
Crowning her, i.e. the 3rd card pulled was the SUN representing the potential energy this week, next and the following. The Sun, is the SUN! Warm, radiating optimism, it’s powerful energy make things grow and manifest into the world. The young child depicted on this card is riding a white stallion away from a grey wall, he is trusting (see he rides with no hands) realising he has overcome his obstacles and now has the positive energy to manifest what he wants out into the world.
The fourth card, the Two of Wands, represents the root of this snapshot. The root of the question, the underlying basis of this spread. The two of wands knows there are exciting options ahead. Wands based in fire and inspiration suggests the potential for success in whatever you choose. It is time to consider your options and whether you are up for a challenge that might take you out of your comfort zone. The decision is not yet made and why as the root card portends that the next nine months is really about looking at your options with excitement, so get a little fire in your belly and make choices for the success you would like.
The two of swords as your past influence, card no 5, talks of another kind of choice. A difficult choice and one that might feel as if it is between a rock and a hard place which is why she is blindfolded, and trying to use her intellect, the two swords equal, indicating that she needs to weigh up her decision with as much logic as she can muster, she also may feel she doesn’t have all the information, that it’s all a bit of an impasse, and has to wait until head and mind and especially intuition align to make the right decision.
With the two of swords quite often, as in difficult decisions, you need to hold off until you have this alignment between head heart and intuition. It is a card that doesn’t rely on emotion. The decision is made more with intuition and intellect. At the same time I should add, it is not an option to sit there and not make a decision. The tide is coming in behind you.
As a past influence card in a 10 card Celtic Cross it is there to remind not only of the past influence of this spread but also its experience and insight going forward.
Card 6, Future, the ace of pentacles. The Seed has been sown. The hand of God has offered this potential to you. The Ace of Pentacles heralds a brand new opportunity, a new position, new job…
Card 7, Future self, the Ace of wands. Another ACE another signal of a new start, this time the spark of inspiration and creativity has been struck, the match is lit. Be inspired. Be creative with a new idea.
Card 8, Home and heart. The Ace of cups. An emotional release. It is the card of healing, of falling in love, of a new emotional journey of hope and fresh rejuvenation. This is a card that expresses a new emotional beginning, perhaps falling in love with life again. It includes vulnerability as well as joy.
Card 9, Hopes and Fears. The Four of Wands. A place from which creativity and inspiration flourishes. A place from which you have all the creative elements to build and support a place of creativity and harmony. It is a card of partnership, two halves are stronger together, a happy marriage in the work place (and in the home).
Card 10, probable outcome. Seven of Wands. You feel feisty and excited and are well up for the challenge, undaunted by all the plans that needs to be set in motion and achieved. You stand on higher ground and take on each task one at a time. And if occasionally overwhelmed, you remember to get back onto higher ground, distance yourself from emotion or overthinking and connect with the inspiration of your mission, and with that use your creativity to tackle things one at a time knowing the universe holds all the potential for success.
With three aces in this spread indicating new beginnings, the two twos were vital cards that described the process of making her choices, both about her new options ahead, and including the difficulties she had experienced leading up to this moment. She had indeed been offered a promotion and new job and after the reading, instead of dwelling on the past, she promised to approach monday morning with the posivity of the Sun! She wrote me a text saying ‘thank you I’m good for all that is coming! You did that!’ Well in my view, the Tarot did that.
Do come and have a reading with me in Battersea or have one online, just as effective and powerful.