Tarot wisdom for this week
The Five of Wands and The sun is pretty dynamic combination for a two card tarot reading. A per my last blog and cards falling out of the deck, or jumping out, these two got left behind when I was spreading the deck and so curiosity got the better of me and rather than putting them back in, I took them to be our reading this week.
This two card reading has a powerful message about standing up for what you believe in and wish to materialise into the world.
The five of wands shows five people with large wands if not actually fighting, certainly challenging each other. The significance here is the idea that we need to stand up for our ideas and passions and it may require tearing things apart, challenging the status quo and received wisdom.
At the five level in tarot, all the fives are moments when we question our path forward. We’ve passed the four level when we’ve achieved some stability and now there’s a reassessment, and in the wand suit the potential to tear things apart. Each element act differently.
The five of cups has a tendency to look at the three cups down, what got spilled along the way, disappointments, instead of the two cups that have been left standing and with which to focus to move onto the 6 level.
The five of pentacles can feel alone in their quest and needs to seek support, before getting the reciprocity they seek, what you give you receive, the five of swords reflects a moment when things start to unravel because of decisions we didn’t make quite often; we didn’t cross the t’s and dot the i’s. The five of wands is the only positive five because it is saying if you take up the challenge and compete you will succeed to get to the 6 where you will feel seen and respected. The five of wands demands courage and self belief.
And in our two card tarot spread it is paired up with Sun! Another fire sign. A card of sunshine, health, and positive energy that materialises things out into the World.
As with all spreads, the meaning we derive is totally personal. For me the combination encouraged the idea of fighting for autonomy, what you believe, self sovereignty and the Sun spoke of what I want to materialise out into the world. The Sun has a quite a masculine energy and I know my quest is to further develop my ability to deliver Tarot and its healing power out into the world.
So my question to all of us this week is what is your Sun? What do you want to shine out into the world? This is a moment to fight for sovereignty over your own life, whatever the challenge is and even if it is means challenging the current world view.
As an aside, something I have been noticing is that in matters of health we have a tendency to hand over our sovereignty to others, to the doctor, the acupuncturist, the reiki master. All wonderful people. We forget our own authority, or even give it up to the knowledge of experts, and forget our own body’s wisdom and capacity to heal itself with a little encouragement and space from us.
Do come and have a reading with my in battersea or online. It’s always insightful and occasionally a reading offers profound wisdom.