How to unlock our potential in 2025

I think there’s a powerful question we need to consider this year that I believe will make all the difference to our lives in 2025.

Do we choose to live from love and possibility of fear and anxiety?  The choice is ours, the decision ours to make.

Easier said than done of course, and one of the reasons I read Tarot, because over the years it has helped me live with more optimism and courage. Gain more trust in myself and a world of love and possibility.

This year with the Ace of Swords reflecting our present situation speaks directly to making this decision.

I listened to teacher and astrologer Pam Gregory who put it a bit like this (my words)

‘Choose in every moment which frequency to connect with, kindness, peace, joy, gratitude possibility, trust and appreciation. Therein we open ourselves up to high frequency light that is being transmitted and are more able to transmute this high frequency light and embody it…moving toward our light body’

She explains that when the mass of humanity interacts with this cosmic energy, we will achieve a bigger and better shift (than politics can ever achieve) to change the future of our planet. By moving our energy frequency up a degree or two, and living from love and possibility we change the future of our planet with human consciousness, we are shifting consciousness individually and collectively

Her advice is ‘Step into future as if already here and live it in every moment.’

How to Unlock our Potential in 2025…

Our New Year tarot reading ‘how to Unlock our Potential’ seemed very apt, certainly to me and I hope to you. To me it acknowledges we are ready to decide what direction we take this year. And how to decide to ACT, from fear rather than Love. Our decision will activate possibility.

ace of swords

ace of Swords.

Present right now…the ace of swords, a moment to take action, decide, activate, cut out any negativity, do the right thing

How to unlock your potential – Strength, communicate our inner strength from a place of peace and without Ego so that we embody our true core selves and from there are heard and received. This is the moment to ask ourselves, our soul, what we truly want to express and be out in the world. This card represents the female alchemist who transmutes ego into pure intention and inner strength.

What supports us – four of pentacles.  This is a card of Consolidation.  We are being encouraged to hold on to our position to hold fast. Don’t move, don’t go anywhere, don’t give away your energy, keep grounded.  This attitude will support us.

What to let go of – page of cups, immaturity, youthful idealism, ‘swooning after love’ but not doing much about it and really taking action…

Where its leading – 6 of pentacles – the card of reciprocity and karma, what we sow so shall we receive.   The card of give and take, of financial exchange, of reward for the effort and investment in our endeavour. It is also the card of health.

For everyone, these cards will trigger different insights. Follow your first instincts. They will lead to the heart of what matters to you, and show you both what you need to change and what you need to have the courage to do.

This immediately related to me in two ways. My approach to my How to read tarot for yourself Journal that I am nearly ready to offer AND my health, both physical and emotional. In 2025 I know I have to build on where I am to fulfil my potential by coming from pure intention and inner strength, taming my ego and more earthly desires to maintain emotional and physical well being.

I would be fascinated to hear how this spread speaks to you? 

Do come and have a full New Year Reading with me or just email me for a complimentary unlocking your potential tarot reading.


Making sense of yourself and the Ace of Swords