Tarot for how to be Just and Fair
When the Justice card appears in a tarot reading it often represents legal issues and matters of fairness.
Will I get justice? Is often the question asked in a reading. The answer is yes if you are on the right side of the law. We like to think Justice will prevail but that’s not always the case. And the LAW doesn’t always consider all the circumstances.
When you look at the card you’ll notice Justice is in ceremonial robes standing between two pillars of the law, a sword held up right in one hand, the scales of balance in the other. Justice needs to deliver what is ‘right’ as well as balance compassion and fairness.
It reminded me of the first time I came across the Justice card in a tarot reading. Ten years ago.
My dog Trumpet had been pet napped by his previous owner, long story, and in a tarot reading I asked, will he come back to me or not and I pulled the Justice card.
The answer seemed to be if you are on the side of Justice, yes.
It wasn’t a straight yet. The Law, versus what would be ‘right’ for Trumpet?
Would justice mean Trumpet stay under the care of his original owners who lived abroad and palmed Trumpet off for weeks and months at a time to other friends, or me not technically his owner, but who had looked after him for the last year and who was able to give him a stable loving home. I had to wait three agonising months, and then New Years eve 2012, ten years ago I got a call from new people he’d been left with….and an hour later he lept in my arms.
Today was a perfectly ordinary day and I was being asked to consider the message of the Justice card to navigating my day.
I was being asked to consider was I living justly, able to temper my views of what is right/my truth with compassion and fairness. Which made me ask myself…Are there areas where I am being unjust?
It turned out to be most incredibly useful card that day. As a situation occurred in which I had already been conscious that someone was overstepping boundaries, in this case my Airbnb house rules. And sure enough she stepped over one more. However you will be glad to hear that I didn’t hold her to the letter of the law re Airbnb cancellation fee and just said that I didn’t think my place was suitable for her and that she was welcome to cancel (at no charge) and find somewhere else. Which she did. My temptation to be vengeful (after all I lost out £££) and get her to pay half the whole cancellation fee dissolved under the eye the Justice card.
It felt so good to be more than Just. Thank you Tarot.