How Tarot helped me get back on track….
Today I pulled the Four of Cups as a reflection card for the day.
Boo. He looks so gloomy and sort of sorry for himself. Sulking, that’s what it is, he’s being offering a cup by some magical means, from a hand that is coming out from a billowing cloud, where angels play, but no he doesn’t like the look of any of it. There are three cups standing in front of him, so plenty to appreciate but no, his arms are crossed as he sits under a tree studying his navel. Sulking.
We often say in readings…, ok you don’t like what you are being offered but you may be missing an opportunity, there is always a gift in any scenario. Ever optimistic!
One way I describe the feeling of this card is it comes after the sequence of the ace of cups, the heart opening, release of emotions, falling in love, to the two when there is an object of our affection, a friendship based in love, an emotional choice, to the three now we engage with life, there might even be an engagement, we celebrate love and life, to the FOUR…..a sudden reality check, after all that love…..’it this it?’ a slight sense of dissatisfaction can creep in, because life isn’t perfect.
Given that I had pulled the four of cups as my reflection card for the day I had to ask the question…
the Four of Cups shows a man being offered a cup which he doesn’t take…
where are you dissatisfied?
Where might you be missing an opportunity?
What are you being offered that you don’t like the look of…
And I can immediately answer that question!
I know the area of my life where I am dissatisfied. FOUR OF CUPS.
It’s in the area of relationships. And I don’t know what to do. I’ve been feeling like this on and off for the last year or so. Life has changed, friends aren’t socialising as much, and many have moved away or spend more time in the country. A core group of friends who once lived in Battersea, have moved, one couple who have Trumpet’s daughters moved to Hampstead, another to Cornwall, another to Dorset, both beloved god daughters moved out of London, one to Amsterdam, the other to Hampshire, along with their beloveds; seeing them and the kids was a cherished weekly event.
I keep pondering how to change the dynamic. As a tarot reader of course I meet people all the time, which is wonderful boone, but understandably there’s always a respectful professional distance.
And no one picks up the phone, so that a chat develops….everyone sends a WhatsApp text!
I have been pondering on how to change the dynamic.
And so I decided let’s do a three card spread to see if the tarot can give me a solution.
In this spread
Card no 1 represents the Overview
Card no 2 represents the Challenge
Card no 3 represents the Advice.
This is how it went….
1. Overview – Justice - getting your just deserts
2. Challenge – 4 pentacles - stuck
3. Advice – Judgement - Wake up call!
Justice holds the sword of truth in one hand and the scales of fairness and compassion in the other.
I did have to laugh, I’m perfectly well aware that I’m not picking up the phone. That I’m not getting out and about and am being lazy sitting tight (4 clubs) And I know perfectly well, Wake up, and smell the coffee, nothing it going to change unless you do something about it. You know what to do.
I’d like to say when you get this card, it often means that everything clicks into place, you finally know what to do, it’s a sort of Ah ha moment and you find you are ready to say YES and follow your inner voice.
So this week, I had my cousins, favourite family and sister to supper on Monday, took 8 people to Guys and Dolls, what an amazing evening, you must go and see the show if you can! And last night I had 10 people to a welcome back dinner party for another two friends who have returned from the U.S.A for the summer!
Today I pulled the Knight of Pentacles, accountable, steady, practical - I guess that refers to the clearing and washing up! At least bit of steady progress on from the Judgement card?
WhatsApp me Sue B for a tarot reading in battersea or online if you need a little nudge to get back on track