The Knight of Wands in a tarot reading heralds excitement…
The Knight of Wands loves excitement, adventure, travel, he follows his impulses with an enthusiastic fieryness. You just have to look at the illustration of the knight of Wands, riding his charger, red plume on his helmet, red cloak flying, he wears red gloves to reign in his spirited horse and holds the standard of Wands aloft in his right hand as he rides in far-away lands, the pyramids are in the background.
This Knight loves Adventure.
Knight of Wands as a weekly reflection card immediately says to me
Be impulsive! Get a little fiery, get inspired, get passionate’…..
My response, was slightly ok….about what?
Often in tarot readings the knight of wands reflects travel, so my first thought was book a holiday, travel….and indeed I am very tempted by Goa in January!
This knight has courage, takes action, has energy and vision
Having been through a few weeks of feeling slightly in limbo waiting for a diagnosis (still forthcoming) ….it seems the knight of wands is saying, don’t hang about, it’s time to reignite one’s passion. Be impulsive.
However, I am not feeling particularly knight of wands like this week; knight of pentacles is more my speed; he moves forward making steady progress. He’s a bit dull and reliable.
So how to get some fire in my belly? Would buying an orange lampshade be a start?! And then an orange throw to match? I’m going to take it that is, and it seemed to be my priority on Monday morning, I couldn’t wait to collect the lampshade from the post office, and once I tried it out was determined to find something that would match it. Hence the bright orange throw. My visit to TK Max in the pouring rain did feel very impulsive/compulsive!
Later in the week the Knight of Wands also nudged me forward to do something I’d agreed to do the week before, and not done. Act on an impulse that felt a bit risky (we will see how that goes). I also accepted a last minute invitation which meant a dash to the country, well more of a miserable two hour drive in Friday night traffic for a end -of -the -week dinner with beloveds, which I knew would be fun. It turned out to be a late one and so I had to make mad dash back for an matinee of a film about Maria Callas in Paris, which I was never going to miss.
In love tarot readings when the Knight of Wands appears, I find myself saying, well he/she is will be a wonderfully enthusiastic lover, he follows his passion…..but equally he follows all sorts of passions/impulses and so can be the kind of person to dash in and then dash out again. His love of adventure and travel gives him the excitement and spontaneity he seeks, and the freedom to follow his/her desires.
Do come for a tarot reading in Battersea, its always so enjoyable in person, as well as online, FaceTime WhatsApp works just as well….contact me