Tarot as my Witness
What brings us meaning? Our connection to the world, people, friends, family, animals, trees, birds, the sea, spirit. Our contribution. All of it.
I know what helps me find meaning? And has really made a difference to my life.
The Tarot.
Specifically I had found how often the daily reflection Tarot card brings perspective and insight that I may not otherwise have considered.
I was was very struck the other day reading an article or more probably something on Instagram, that talked about everybody needing a witness to their lives and pointing out that a sibling, partner, husband, wife, child, friend are all vital witnesses who endorse what happened, who were there, throughout your life, when you lost your job, lived in New York, bought your first flat, watched that sunset, had the flu, turned the radio on and heard the news of Princess Di’s death, was in the lift with you when you heard about John Kennedy’s assassination. Saw the ‘Mousetrap’ twenty, thirty years ago.
Shared events, discussed at the time, and later repeated, paint a picture of a memory, Memorable moments enhanced and often embellished, with the sharing, the re-telling. Two or more were witnesses. You came home after the theatre and discussed the play as you were going to bed. At the end of a day’s work when asked how was your day you said ‘fine’. Perhaps after a glass of wine, the other draws out of you a concern, something that happened at work that is bothering you. Together it is discussed and unravelled. A problem shared…words said out loud name what happened. Neural pathways are fired up to another memory.
Having lived on my own for many many years, I have noticed one disadvantage, I don’t have so many memories, they havent been shared, reviewed and stored properly. And are forgotten. Whole swathes of my life didn’t happen it seems, I don’t remember them.
Just yesterday walking along the beach chatting to a friend about her recent trip to the Edinburgh festival I suddenly remembered singing ‘Everyone is beautiful at the ballet’ in a one night amateur production. You couldn’t hear a pin drop. And it was thrilling. When I watched that song being performed last week in a brilliant production of Chorus Line, I hadn’t remembered it at all.
So much unfolds when we talk, when we share and are witnessed. It is what happens in a tarot reading.
For many of us, life is too busy, or we don’t have partners, live alone, there isn’t anyone we habitually discuss what happened and share our thoughts. In my experience too much goes misunderstood, is stored into the wrong cubby hole, filing cabinet, mislabelled, ignored. It takes us even longer to gain perspective, come to a conclusion, understanding and be able to make the decisions that feels right for our lives. Without a kind listening friend, without a sounding board, without wise counsel it all becomes a bit of a muddle.
It took me years to get over a love affair because living alone I wasn’t used to sharing. I was too independent (and proud) and heartbroken to discuss it. Instead a version of events that was palatable for social consumption became the story, the shame and blame and devastation buried deep. It took years. Perhaps ten, more like twenty to get over it and not feel that squeeze of the heart.
I digress as what I am trying to express is a sudden realisation that that the Tarot has become my witness. A daily reflection card (not every day) becomes a lens through which I reflect meaning. The eyes of a wise and kind friend, the Tarot, its rich symbology and illustration, bring fresh perspective and insight and clarity! Thank you. And with so much encouragement opens up potential. She helps me name experiences and build memories. And by journalling in response to the insight of a tarot card I become a witness to myself. Like the Heinneken commercials, Tarot seems to ‘refresh the parts other beers can’t reach’, meaning I would never have reached those insights with the Tarot.
The six of wands is the tarot card that most immediately reflects the idea of being witnessed
The six of Wands, for when our skills receive respect...
If you look at the card it shows us a young man riding a magnificent white horse through a crowd, he looks resplendent in a red cloak, crown on his head and holding aloft the wreath of success.
I often compare the six of wands to a graduation ceremony where everyone is congratulating you on achieving your degree.
Not that I never went to university or got a degree but I can still get the vibe. From the degree receiver’s side, proud that after three years of much too much partying you got your degree! From peers and parents cheers of relief and delight to witness your success, honing the skills of a particular subject, a day of congratulation.
The six of wands is a card that represents, not only being seen and respected by others but also a moment to value and respect yourself for the unique talents you bring to the world.
What a lovely card to receive in a tarot reading. The six of wands reminds us to go forth and shine, as it doesn’t serve anyone to hide our own particular light!
Do come and have a tarot reading with me in Battersea or online via WhatsApp or Zoom.