How a two card tarot reading can make you ask questions and receive answers.
I very often pull a reflection card for the day. Sometimes, when I need more information I pull a second. Indeed when a client ring me up with just one question on their mind, a two card tarot reading is my go-to spread.
Today I ended up ‘working’ with this spread. I use the term working, one of my teacher’s Tim Sullivan expressions, because the two cards did take some serious self questioning. Generally I reflect on the card through the lens of an advice or support card.
The card I started with was the 8 of cups which is all about moving on, having come to a cross roads, and deciding to head in a different direction.
The Eight of Cups shows a man in a red cloak walking away from eight cups that are still standing to follow his dreams by the light of the Moon.
The card shows a man in a red cloak heading away from us. Its night and he’s being guided by the light of the moon. Eight cups are behind him. The cup suit represent emotions, so heading away from eight cups that are still standing suggests there’s plenty you’ve loved about the past, but now you heading in a slightly different direction to follow your passion (red cloak).
I didn’t connect with the card, as I don’t feel I am at a crossroads, rather the opposite I feel I am heading in the right direction
And so I decided to pull a second card, to give me a bit more information.
And I pulled the 8 of pentacles. Another 8. 8’s in tarot are moments of adjustment to get to the 9, you are well on your way to the 10. Pentacles represent, money, status, the physical world, physical energy, health, practicalities. The eight of pentacles is about perfecting these skills.
Hmm….it made me think, if I am at a crossroads, is this a moment to consider whether continuing the way I am heading needs adjustment in order to follow my passion….
What might I need to adjust to re-set in the right direction?
I started to ask myself all sorts of questions.
Perhaps the crossroads is asking me to move away from old habits I love?
Perhaps I need to hone my tarot skills?
And then there’s the opposite meaning, perhaps overdoing trying to perfect myself? I’m always on a mission of self improvement? With the 8 of pentacles it is also worth asking yourself are you going round and round like the figure 8, a bit same old same old?
Am I following my passion?
As you can imagine I have been pondering this combination all day.
If I was doing a reading for someone else. This would definitely be an example of us needing a two way conversation because there are so many way to interpret this combination of cards.
And this is the fun of tarot, because nothing is set in stone, we get to be creative about the meaning. We get to reflect and respond, and then act! to create our future.
I found myself responding very emotionally, which surprised me. I felt a little sad. Weary even, which made me think am I going round in circles, doing doing busy busy losing my sense of direction? Was it saying stop all this doing doing doing you are just going round in circles?
Was the 8 of cups saying. You have come to a crossroads and need to change the way you are living life, or certainly tweak it if you want to fulfil your passion.
And that’s what I’ve been reflecting on….all day.
Is this a crossroads of needing to level-up?
I can’t help feeling I’ve got to change direction, alter focus….and perhaps do a bit more studying…there’s a Jungian tarot course I haven’t finished? Or is this crossroads referring to a new project I have been developing ?
The fact that there are 8 cups standing up makes me think I may be leaving aspects of my life to progress this new one.
I’ll be honest I’m none the wiser but am glad to be asked to consider all the above.
If you have a question book a tarot reading with me sue b.