1. Why read Tarot for Yourself?
Reading my own Tarot has been a breakthrough in my life, and so this blog series is for others like me who find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time not knowing what to do … getting stressed and miserable because they cant make a decision, don’t want to make a mistake, are afraid of getting it wrong, and of missing out and end up torturing themselves with indecision, self-doubt, spend so much time weighing up the pros and cons that ends up as procrastination because …..they don’t know what to do, don’t want to make a mistake or miss out on, any of the above.
I have spent so many years asking myself questions around am I heading in the right direction and what is my purpose? Since 21 I have attended multiple workshops and seminars with multiple teachers in multiple disciplines. It has been a sometimes hilarious sometimes disastrous journey of discovery in which I learned much and have been inspired by many teachers. And some phoney ones. I started with EST, then Insight 1,2,3, two fire walks with Anthony Robbins (and my friend got badly burned so its not a trick) studied NLP, EFT, Energy Medicine, Qi Gong, have meditated in Ashrams, done a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation, attended Family Constellation workshops, Human Design, Stillpoint Intuitive Healing….and many more I am sure. All fascinating and part of life’s rich journey if you are someone always on the search to fulfil your potential.
I have found over the last four years especially that reading Tarot for myself has been a breakthrough. It’s as if I have finally found a true friend and spiritual guide wrapped up in one.
It took a while to consider as initially I didn’t trust my own intuition. And didn’t understand there is no right or wrong way to read your own cards but more an opportunity to explore yourself inner mind and all your connections. A way to connect to something other than my immediate personality self, a higher power, some universal intelligence, my own imagination and creativity, I find it difficult to name as it is all a wrapped up in one, but I do know when I feel uncertain or anxious I pull a tarot card and see what it tells me.
Over the years my trust has grown in myself and the magical divination tool that is Tarot. By ‘working with’ the Tarot I feel I am heading in the right direction, and I feel encouraged. I am a work in progress still, as we all are, and I find the process fascinating.
I hope you do too. The following blogs all discuss an aspect of reading tarot for yourself that I experienced along the way.