The Suit of Cups
A way to remember a suit of tarot cards is by understanding the ‘journey’ and story they tell.
The suit of the Cups. The Element of water. Representing our Emotions.
The journey/ story starts with…
A release of emotion. joy, hope, healing, vulnerability our heart is opened….
Ace of cups. The beginning, where we feel the first release of emotion, it is the first opening of the heart and can be falling in love, it can be any kind of emotional release from vulnerability to joy.
Two of Cups. Now we have a choice to connect, for example falling in love ‘Oh it’s YOU’. Joy. This is who I love. Or connecting to something we love. This is what I love doing…...
Three of cups. Now we are connected, let’s get engaged, let’s celebrate, this is wonderful, friendship, fun, love.
Feeling a bit sulky about life and what’s on offer….
Four of cups. Hmm things aren’t as great as I thought they were going to be, I’m not sure this is what I want, that I want to commit to what’s on offer. Here there is the potential to miss an opportunity by being dissatisfied with life and not committing to the journey (it’s not all joy and laughter, there’s hard work and the shine is off).
Five on cups. Sadness. Regret as we look at the three cups spilled, the mistakes we’ve made, and in our disappointment we forget to turn around and focus on the two cups that are still standing. There is still emotional potential in these two cups.
Six of Cups. In order to move forward from the disappointment of the five we refer back to happy days, and remember friendships and shared values that we loved, in order to remind us what we want in love and to be motivated to move forward on our journey.
Seven of Cups. Now the world is our oyster, anything is possible, there are so many choices. Seven cups are up in the air and we need to decide which cups we want and bring it down into reality. We need to decide what we desire.
Eight of cups. We we have come to a crossroads when it is time to slightly change direction to be able to keep following our passion. We are being asked to consider with eight cups left standing up behind us, that we might need to direct our attention differently to find emotional fulfilment.
Satisfaction and enjoyment. Indulging in the pleasures of life.
9 of cups. Now we reach happiness, enjoying the pleasures of life, we feel satisfied and have learned how to make ourselves happy. Which is great but ultimately we also desire the deep connection of others.
10 of cups. Emotional fulfilment for yourself and others. Happy Families.